What are your experiences with the Answer Early test? I've gotten another light second line today, but DH couldn't see it! But he's never even looked at a test before. I think he was looking for a line as dark as the control line! How are these tests? Peeonastick.com says good. Help! I've gotten 2 NOT Pregnants on Clearblue Digital, so I'm lost. I have serious blue veins going on on the bbs (and only get those when preggo). Period is no help since it hasn't been around since 10/02 (pregnancy then br___tfeeding). I'm sick as can be coughing and stuffed up, but I'm afraid to take anything if it's too early to test ++.
These aren't the first +'s I've gotten on Answer in the last week. Help/advice please?
I recieved two faint positives as well with the Answer Early Test and ended up not being pregnant. I called the number on the box and they said they didn't have many reports of false positives so I don't know what to tell you.