Can you help me figure this out???
My most fertile time was the last week in june, and my period was due the first week in july. My husband and i had s_x every night i was condisered 'fertile' i had my period 2 days early and it was normal length. exactly 1 week later i started my period again but it was short and light. my period is always normal so this is unusual to me. Now it is August and my period should be here tomorrow but i have no sign of the cramps that i normally get before my period.
i am eating more which is odd, and certain foods or smells that i normally like make me gag. i am nauseas all day long and feel very fatigued. im am always thirsty but no longer drink my usual sprite or apple juice. i started drinking coke and water instead. i've even started eating french toast for dinner b/c its the only thing that sounds good at night.
could i be pregnant?
when should i test?
Geez already, take a test.