DO YOU THINK I AM Please Give Me Advice
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| Liz - February 2 |
On new years i slept with my ex and we didnt use anything. my periods arnt regular anyways. but for a while they were. i should have started round the 10th or so and it is now the 2nd of feb and i still havent started. i have taken 3 hpt and they are all negative. but ive had 2 people ask me if i was pregnet. ive been eating a little more but not much. ive been getting headaches and dizzy all the time. ive been kinda tired. but the thing is im on these pills that could make me very hungry and can cause dizzyness. so i dont know if its the pills or if i might be pregnet. and sometimes i feel sick but its not in my stomach its like a burning in my throat chest area like im going to throw up. please what do you guys think