I took an E.P.T. test today and the results were negative, then an hour or so later i went back to look at it and the results were positive. Am I pregnant?
Shayna, I took this test a couple months ago and I too looked at it later and it was positive but I am not pregnant. I think these tests show evaporation lines really badly. You could also be pregnant and have a low hcg level. Test again in a couple days but let me know your outcome!! Good Luck!!!
Beth, thank you, I was really afraid there for a while. I think your right about the evaporation lines. I took another test last night and it was negative.
| Kim - January 11 |
In the round window the line is from side to side very faint, but the square window has a line up and down. What does this mean?
Hey Kim, That is why I don't like EPT, they all did that to me (with the horizontal lines-all negative too) Try using First Response.