I have done much research on the internet and haven't much to prove of it, which is why i would like to hear your personal experiences with this matter. If you tested negative on HPT until 2+ months please write your experiences with this. As well, what did the doctor say about the negative results for months? What caused them? And how often does it happen?
Well im not sure if i am prego yet, but i can say ive been getting negatives for almost 3 months and still have yet to see a normal AF or for my pregnancy 'symptoms' to go away, if i find something out ill be sure to post:) i would also like to know what others who have gone through this and ended up pregnant have to say:) i take it your going through this? have you completely missed AF for 2 months?
Thank you for your response. I have had three unusual periods now, but all my test say negative. I always have diarriah on my period but this time i was actually constipated (sorry if thats too much info).
Has anyone experienced this??
im sure im 13 weeks but am testing negative!missed first period and then had a very light strange one and im a week late for one now.