Off Birth Control 2 Months Still No Period Negative Test
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I am 23 1/2 and my bf and I are trying to concieve. I took my last birth control pill Sunday Aug. 29th (i stopped the first day of my second week of pills). I had only been on the pill for 3 months 1 week.I had my period on the 1st of Sept to the 6. This is a birth control period and havent had a period since then. I've taken preg. test, the last one a few days ago, all came back negative. I havent had any bleeding at all. I did notice however, peeing more frequently. Slight headaches and a lot of wooziness, and food cravings that occur usually late at night and early in the morning. Its weird, prior to waking up I have a craving for certain foods. My question is has anyone ever taken so long to get their period after being on bc for a short period of time? I was on estrostep FE which i was told was lower dosage than other bc.Could I be pregnant? Sometimes I feel like I am. Has anyone else experienced wooziness in pregnancy? Any help to anyone of my questions,or just input would be appreciated. Thanks all.