One Postive Three Negative So Am I
2 Replies
I took one test and it showed are very very faint line. After that, I took another one, it was negative, no line at all. The next day I took two more, both negative... so am I? Or arent I? I have a feeling im not, no symptoms, but there was a line. Fluke?
| Viv - September 16 |
The hCG levels double from one day to the next if you are truly pregnant. They start at like 50 and go on up to the thousands. If the tests on the second day are both negative and you have no symptoms, I would say you are in the clear. If you young ladies would slip some foam in before you climbed in the sack, use a condom every single time, and go to the movies on cycle DAY 8 - 15, the unplanned pregnancies would drop to 10% of the current level.
Well, I am on birth control so I'm pretty positive that im not but when I saw the line, it took me off guard. But I agree, use something more unless you're trying.