Positive Home Test Negative BT Possible
3 Replies
I took a BT last Thursday and I am still anxioulsy waiting for the results. When I was 4 days late I took a home test and it was negative. I waited one week and then got a positive. But I don't feel pregnant so I asked the Dr to confirm with a BT last Thursday. They told me they would call with the results Friday and its Tuesday and I haven't heard. I still don't feel pregnant. Is it possible my home test was wrong?
| Me - November 16 |
Im in the same situation.... im going for a quant_tive tes today or tommarow to confirm me. I got some negatives and some positive hpt's so im like LOST!
Good Luck! You know I never even asked which kind of test they did.
| Me - November 16 |
Hmm well if they took a qualitive test and it comes back negative i wuld suggest you take a quant_tive test to double check. But if you get a Positive with the qualitive then you dont have to.