Hi im really confused right now. im new with the site so if i could get some help id really appreciate it. I should have gotten my period the 4th of november. I still havnt gotten it. I took to hpt tests. one on the 16 and one on the 23rd. both came out negative. on the 16th i started like slightly spotting too. My boyfriend thinks that im nuts because i think i might be pregnant cuz my body isnt acting right. my nipples kinda get this itchy feeling like they usually do before i get a period and they're a lil swollen like before a period too. My lower back has been hurting for over 2 weeks now. i thought that i had just pulled it at work but it hasnt gone away yet so im not so sure. i get headaches but they could also be from my sinuses/cold. havnt really had morning sickness yet, just maybe like 3 or 4 times total had like a flash of nautiousness for a minute or so. I have this feeling almost like someones pressing on my tummy right below and on the right and left of my belly button. I'v had like hot flashes kinda randomly too, mostly when im sleeping though. has anyone else had that? i know its kind of wierd.
anyhelp id really appreciate.
I am not expert, but maybe you should call your doctor.