Ok, there was just that (it's the basic one that either gives you a + or - ). Does that mean I'm NOT pregnant? I'm really confused.
if you call the 1800 # they'll tell you that means positive reading
I had the same issue this week. If you go down about 10 posts, I started one called "Confusing EPT Pregnancy Test +/- test result." I bought the 2-pack and took both tests this week, and each time I only saw a blue vertical line. My husband and I called EPT on 3 separate occasions this week and each time they a__sured me that what I was reading is a positive result. In my opinion, the instructions are misleading since they tell you that you need to see a plus sign in the circle window for a positive result. I was very confused by this. Therefore, I bought a First Response test and it was clearly positive! I am going to the doctor tomorrow night to have my results confirmed. Good luck!