The last time I had s_x was on March I got my period March 31-April 4! My period kinda shifted to either the very end of the month or the very beginning of the month.Anyways I was expecting my period at the very end of april or very beginning of may, okay so no period yet,! Anyways one of my friends told me I should take a test, I thought why should I since I got my period in March after I had s_x. Anyways so I got an E.P.T yesterday and took it and after waiting for the exact time line, I looked and it saw one dark line and a very very light faint line. But you could clearly see it, you didn't have to look close to see it, I was happy then thinking to myself, is this for real.I'm on day 38, and this is longest I've gone without a period, am I pregnant? The test showed two line but one was very very light and faint..is that positive?
They say any line is a line, no matter how light it is. Wait 2 days & take another test & it should be a little darker.
Thank You! Well, I have a Clearblue Easy digital monitor and an E.PT. digital moniter also, I'll take the E.P.T in a few minutes! Wish me luck and baby dust!
I have my fingers crossed. ****Baby Dust****
Thanks! Well, I took it and it flashed with error, but when I pressed the eject b___ton and looked at the test strip it showed two lines but the other line was very very faint like the other one.I'll take another one at 10:00 my time. Gunna hold my urine for about 3 hours! I hope I'am!