When Can I Take Preg Test
4 Replies
If my period is due on 5th Feb and today ids the 3rd Feb, is it still too ealry to take preg test?
| Amy - February 3 |
First response is pretty good. I think they can tell you a week early
i don't know what kind of pregnancy is the best?Arwe they all the same or which kine is the best.I'm only 15 i need help,i'm not confused but i'm not pregnant yet but i just want to know cause i wonna have a baby,maybe notthis yea but till now and grade 12 i have a feeling that i'm gonna get pregnant.So please i need to know which kine of Pregnantcy is the best kine which one is most sure.Thanx for reading this note.Hope i get a responce soon..Thanx again...
Is it possible to feel symptoms of a pregnancy but have a negitive pregnancy test result? If I were expecting I would be about 4 weeks by now.
I have never personally experienced it, but I think that you can have a negative result if your HCG levels are too low to be detected.