I took several hpt's all with faint positives that came out well within the time limit. One came up right away. However I took a bloodtest and my hcg was 2. I am still crampy, have headaches, am tired, and my areolas are wider all around. The bloodtest was Tuesday. I have gotten bfp before that and after that. If I miscarried wouldn't I be bleeding or extremely crampy by now? The lady at the Dr's office said there must be something triggering false positives, but a few days before the bfp they were bfn. Any explanation?
Oh, and my af was due on 3/35 I think. I am just off the pill and can't be sure when I ovulated. The cramps started about 2 weeks ago.
hmm that is an interesting situation.. i went in for a blood test and also got a 2 but had negative hpts before that.. are you using the same brand of hpt every time? or have you tried using another brand? if you havent used more than one brand, maybe you should try? other than that i dont really know, sorry i cant be of more help.