HCG Levels-pg110619311762
2 Replies
I found out Dec 29th that I tested positive for being pregnant, however when they tested my hormone levels they didn't double. We did a sonogram the day after my blood work came back. They were unable to see anything, so they told me that I wasn't very far along and to come back in two weeks. Well my two weeks were up so I went back for another sonogram and they still couldn't see anything. I'm really confused on this whole thing. They told me that my body is producing the HCG and is telling my body that I am pregnant but really I'm not. Has anybody ever heard of this???
I have never heard of it, but it happened to me. I went in for an ultrasound at about 5 or 6 weeks and there was nothing-no yolk, sac or baby. He searched my tubes and everything, just nothing. I miscarried that night-not to freak you out-but I still wonder where was whatever I miscarried hiding?
hey guys..i know ur feeling...see i had a m/c right b4 my last baby..they called it blighted ovum(sp may be wrong)but they said it happs like 1 out of 20 preg..so it is totally common...nothin develps...then u have to miscarry...so i am srry u have to go thru this it is hard....but on the upside the chances of it again r 1 in more than a million...:)