How Reliable Are Home Tests
2 Replies
| Kim - January 8 |
I am 4 days late for my period and have been trying to concieve. Yesterday I used a home test called fortel around mid day which gave me faint positive. My partner suggested we try another brand so I used clear blue this morning with a negative result.
| kat - January 8 |
have you tried first responce?
| kim - January 8 |
Thanks Kat, still no period, I have read a few of the experiences other people are having and think I will go to the doctor and get a blood test done, it would seem that if men can come back with a positive test with the clear blue then I am not going to trust the negative I recieved, or the positive with the other brand for that matter. could spend a lot of money on these things before enough evidence collected to be convinced they were giving correct reading which must be nice for the manufacturers.