| jb - April 22 |
I am now four or five days late for af. i normally have a 30 -31 day cycle. my dh and i have been ttc for 6 months now and i think we bd and the correct days but i took an EPT today (the one with 1 line not preggo, 2 lines preggo) and i got a bfn. i'm so frustrated. i don't know if i should test again and if so when? should i try a different hpt? any imput would be greatly appreciated.
I would wait a couple days and test with first mornings urine...I know they say it doesn't matter as long as you hold your urine for 4 hours before doing the test, but first morning's urine has the highest concentration of the hormone in it, so if the hcg is at a lower level you are more likely to pick it up with fmu. hope this helps! keep us updated and good luck!