Period A Week Late But Negative Pregnancy Test

1439 Replies
Loulou123 - September 23

Hi it's Loulou123 again, I posted on September 20th that i was 9 days late on my period, I am now 12 days late, still no sign or coming on and still getting negative hpt, I went to the doctors yesterday, I they took a pee sample that also came bag negative, the doctor did a internal on me and said that my uterus felt high and that might indicate a sign of pregnancy, she sent me for a blood test, i had one blood test yesterday and need to get another done tomorrow to determine if there is a pregnancy level that is increasing, i am going out my mind now and just want it to be over, i hope to find out for sure on Friday (tomorrow) or Monday, if the blood test is negative the doctor said to wait to weeks then if still no period, i should have a ultrasound, i'm keeping my fingers crossed...


sashadr817 - September 23

Well guys my cycle came at least that's what it seemed to be..Just like my normal sucks too bc I've gained so much weight..I guess I can't blame it on pregnancy..My husband doesn't believe I'm not preggo he says that cycle or not, he thinks I am. Well regardless we will eventually find out, if I'm 1 of the few women that claim to still have a cycle during their pregnancy n not implantation bleeding. Good luck ladies!


SarahMcG - September 24

Hi Guys, just an update...10 days late and still nothing!! Just same old clear discharge that i've had the past 10 days! The cramps have stopped a little but i'm still having a few other symptoms! I'm soo frustrated, I've taken 2 HPT and both Neg! I'll wait another few days or so then head to the doctors if still no show! Best of luck to you all!xx


Jenv - September 24

Hi, I am posting again, 5 days late. Symptoms are not extremely telling. But I am interested to know if anyone with our situation actually went to the doctor and was told told they are pregnant even though the urine test showed neg. It's frustrating. But, I think we all have a chance. One thing we should all be doing is resting and eating well and taking prenatals.


Jenv - September 24

loulou, didn't they tell you your hcg level? anything higher than 2 is positive pregnancy.


Loulou123 - September 24

Hi, this is a update, I am now 13 days late, i went to the doctor today for my second blood test and it came back positive, I am 6 weeks pregnant tomorrow, funny thing is the hpt are still testing negative and the doctors have no idea why but at least i can relax now knowing that i am pregnant, good luck to all of you :)


Cayman - September 24

Hi Loulou123, congratulations! I am 9 days late now have taken 2 tests both negative but will take another in a few days, if that comes out negative will be off to see the doctor...


etbee0511 - September 25

Hey-- We have 2 children (4 and 2) and have talked about a 3rd, decided to try in October (want to avoid DD's bday next summer). Since we were going to start trying I started tracking my cycle the past four months, so I knew when my golden week was to get preggo. Everything was perfectly normal since May, exactly on 28 days each month, I knew exactly when I ovulated because I could feel my eggs dropping (weird, I know). Then August came and AF was at 31 days, not 28! Freaked me out. So this month again at 28 days nothing, so I looked up 31 days, still nothing. I'm now 6 days late with the 28 day cycle, 3 days with the 31 day cycle-- I've taken way to many tests, maybe 5? Cheapos and schmancy digital ones--all negative. This is irritating. I would LOVE to be preggo, just in a month. Obviously I will be thrilled, but its like my body thinks its funny to mess with my plans. PLUS my girlfriends are taking me out to a piano bar tomorrow night for my birthday-- should I drink? Should I not? SO irritating. I'm not any more stressed than I have been in the past six months, I just wish I knew. Some symptoms that I'm not even sure are related-- b___sts a little sore, thick mucus like discharge, exhausted, hungry like crazy, some cramping, but no nausea, or anything like that. But I didn't get sick AT ALL with my first two and had very mild symptoms all throughout them, so I'm not expecting to have a hard pregnancy the next time around. This is more a vent I suppose, but its getting aggravating and my friends are tired of hearing me complain/wonder/whine about this. Congrats to the girls who *finally* got positive results. It gives us negative girls hope!! :D


AylaRose19 - September 25

Congrats Loulou! i was over a week late with my last cycle and hoping i was preggo, but got many neg tests... now 2 weeks later i started another period!? i dunno whats going on, was thinking maybe a miscarriage since its a very different period than my usual. constant dull cramping, but strong. and changing colors from bright reds to deep browns, and kindy stringy looking... TMI sorry, but just very confused. This has never ever happened to me before, looking for any insight, thanks!


Jenv - September 25

Loulou congrats. I am so happy for you. Weird that pee still shows neg. May all of us soon have the same happiness. Good luck.


AylaRose19 - September 25

so had an appifany yesterday after i posted that maybe i am having implantation bleeding? its been kinda off and on for the past few days. i have cramping and back aches but no other real symptoms... has anyone else had something similar?


Jenv - September 25

Has anyone had brown spotting? Light brownish, thin consistency? Is this implantation bleeding?


roberts69 - September 27

xx loulou123 congratulations :-) really happy for you, keep us updated on how things are going through your pregnancy, i hope that we can all have the lovely news soon that you have had xx


EmandEm - September 28

Hello I'm new, and what a relief to find this forum before I go insane! I can't believe there are women waiting weeks and weeks before finding out the results, my period is only 5 DAYS late and I'm already going crazy! As I said I'm 5 days late, my period is always regular. I've had slight niggles in my abdomen, experiencing tiredness during the day but can't sleep at night, slight dizziness and a general feeling of not being with it, and today have tender b___sts, but all could be signs of an oncoming period.. I've taken two pregnancy tests and both have had negative results. I was thinking about going to the doctor tomorrow but by the sounds of it that may even be too early? Is it really true that some women ovulate later and therefore it takes longer to get a positive result? If so, why isn't this common knowledge?!


EmandEm - September 28

...also now have proper cramping pains...


nicolax - September 29

Hi folks jst an update not been on in a while, Got my scan date eventually 5 Oct Been having a lot of sharp pains in my lower abdomenand that comes as goes. On 12 sept started bleedin well clottin really heavy jst for one day! then came back again 4 days later for yet again another day. Really thought it was my period since iv not had one from May. Went to docs she said as iv not had my period since may its old blood as blood clots natuarally and gave me tablets for the pain. Still confused. Over the past few days have not been feelin myself lately really tired cramps and backache smell of cheese and onion crisps makes me want to throw up! Plus not been eatin much,i dont want to do a test and get my hopes all up yet again! So i will jst wait until i get my scan and the results.



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