| A - November 3 |
I have a feeling that i may be pregnant. I have been having some common symptoms like lightheadedness, I'm sleeping a lot more(always tired) but also my appet_tte has decreased because everytime I eat my stomache feels like it's going to burst, I have lost 5 lbs. but I am really bloated still, my back hurts all the time(mostly my lower back), but all the muscles in my abdomen are really sore. I have taken 2 different types of tests clear blue, and ept but both came out negative. Anyone know what's going on?
| A - November 3 |
ADDING: Also my temp has been low for a week and i always feel hot or cold I'm never comfortable, I'm a smoker (quitting), and everytime I have a cigarette it makes my stomache upset, I feel constipated but I still have bowel movement. Anyone think I am or am not pregnant? PLEASE :)
| L - November 3 |
If you are pregnant, your temp is supposed to be up.