1 146 Risk Of Down Syndrome

123 Replies
Heart - April 16

Having read articles claiming that NT screen is more accurate than the triple screen makes me still worry a lot about my baby. Nevertheless, I am very greatful to God that the ultrasound shows I'm having a healthy baby boy. I'll keep praying for a healthy and "normal" baby. Happy Easter, everyone!


Tammy - April 23

Hate to bring bad news but have to share with someone. On Saturday 4/15/06, I listened to my baby's heartbeat with my home fetal doppler- sounded fine. I was 16 weeks. The next morning I had some bleeding so I check heartbeat again. After 45 minutes of trying to find it, I called my doc. Long story short, baby died that night. Was induced on Sunday, had him/her on Monday morning. He was very small, maybe 12 weeks size. Couldn't tell the s_x but we named him Michael because he is now our little angel. I cry a lot and am hoping I can try again.


lovemy3 - April 23

Oh Tammy, I am so sorry for the loss of your little baby. My heart breaks for you and your family. You are in my thoughts and prayers. I am so sorry that this has happened.


Michelle - April 24

Kaz. I back you 100% I went through the exact same thing as you did, I was 15 weeks, I was 42. It was my first. You made the right choice. Your thoughts and concerns were for your sweet little baby, and I support you fully! It gets a little better as time goes on. :)


Heart - April 27

Dearest Tammy, I am very sorry for your loss. Sorry I wasn't able to reply sooner as I haven't visited this site in a while. Tammy, because of your unconditional love, Michael was blessed with 16 weeks of life. Had he been given to someone else, he might have been selfishly deprived of his life sooner. He is now an angel in heaven looking after you with the same amount of love you gave him. I will be praying for you, Tammy. Trust that God has beautiful plans for you and your family.


venus_in_scorpio - April 27

hi everyone i am only 20 and i was told at my 10 week scan the baby "might" have a thick neuchal fold i have to go to a specialist for high risk pregnancies. do they ever send you there when theres a possibility the baby is OK? I am so scared...


venus_in_scorpio - April 27

tammy of course you can try again, you can stay under closer medical supervision for the next one. dont give up hope.


Kaz - May 2

Hi Tammy and everyone, I am so sorry for you Tammy, especially as I am the same age and we have similar circ_mstances, except I did not lose mine spontaneously. That is so sad. I can imagine your hesitation to try again. At first I said no way, but now after nearly 2 months have gone by I have not yet taken any contraception. I heard you are supposed to be hyperfertile after an aborted pregnancy, but I am skeptical about that one. I feel very nervous to try again, my doctor told me the odds of course don't change, except that I suppose you have had your dose of bad luck? To venus-in-scorpio, of course they do send you for further tests and it ends up being nothing. When my neuchal test was very negative my doctor still gave me hope, but said it was a bad sign especially if you are older. I think the only 100% test is the amnio or chronic villi sample test at the end of the day, and I suggest you have it as soon as you can. They can do svs already for you, but the risk of miscarriage are higher than amnio. Amnio can only be done earliest at 14 weeks.


sunshinekitty240 - May 4

any of you who had issues with the neuchal screen test... what was the thickness... mine was 2.8 mm at 10 weeks and the doctor freaked me out about it and now I have to go to a high risk doctor and just... wait..... what were your meausrements? how did the baby turn out????


Kaz - May 5

I think my measurement was 4.2mm or something like that at 12 weeks, you could see it clearly on the print-out like a bump. What amazed me the most was that apparently by 16 weeks it disappears, I was thinking that trisomics had thicker necks for life. So it does not sound as if your case is as drastic as mine was. However, not wishing to frighten you the dr also said that the neuchal thickness could be a precursor of other major organ problems, but that these would be able to be detected mostly by later triple screen and in any case a lot of these now operable etc. Still keep positive as not sure if you read the article I flagged before, but screening is not a diagnostic tool (see Obstetrical Sonography: The Best Way to Terrify a Pregnant Woman, see http://www.choroidplexuscyst.org/filly.html)


sunshinekitty240 - May 5

this is such A roller coaster. mine you couldnt see on the u/s but im having more tests done at 12 weeks. 2.8 would be normal even if i was 10 years older. i dont know what to think it is very, very hard. they also said there is another piece of skin that is hard to differentiate from the NT at 10 weeks.


Dee71 - May 7

Hello Ladies,I hope everyone is doing well.Time seems to be creeping by for me.I guess thats good if I listen to my mom she tells me to quit wishing my life away and enjoy the now! Well things are ok here.I was wondering if anyone else is like me: I got a abnormal triple screen then I was told my baby had (rpd) a disorder with the collection area of the kidneys(not an issue anymore) now I was told that my white blood cell count is low. The doctor thinks it's because I have a cold we'll see, anyway I feel like I going crazy I always expect the worst now and worry about everything.I don't feel "normal" anymore.When I look back I feel silly because I started worring about DS and I'm not really worried about that anymore.I guess what I'm getting at is I have become obsessed and chronically worried about everything. I was just wondering if anyone else felt this way?? Everyone take care and best wishes to all moms and babies!!


Frances - May 8

Hello ladies, Heart I'm so glad things are looking promising for you. Sorry I wasn't on here for a while. No, I'm not in the same boat, we're having trouble getting pregnant at all! I do work with developmentally disabled adults, though and have some in my family. We've always gotten along and I can't imagine my family without them, nor would I want to!! I just want to let you all know that DS children can indeed grow up to be productive adults and are usually not terribly high-need at all. All the ones I know do pretty much everything on their own, without a__sistance. I'm so happy that you decided to continue your pregnancy, Heart! You are a testament to faith!


marranie - May 11

Sunshine kitty, i would not worry too much about the nuchal fold at 10 weeks, it probably was something else as the nuchal scan is not done until after 11 weeks. Good luck with your next scan, hope all goes well.


ThePezChick - May 11

I'm 38 in my 19th week. I had genetic counseling. The counselor said my chances of having a child with Down Syndrome was 1:121 and of having a child with a chromosomal disorder was 1:71. (Based solely on my age.) I had a level 2 ultrasound and the AFP test done. The ultrasound came back with NO markers for a disability and the AFP came back negative for a disability. I wouldn't worry if I were you. The numbers meant nothing in my case.


Dee71 - June 15

I was just wondering how everyone is doing? we are getting closer huh? Ladies GOOD Luck and let us know how things are!!!



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