Hi COL ... : ) : ) : )Glad to hear, you're feeling good today & excited about your vacation,very positive, remember .... "Made in Spain" : ) : ) You sound like my BOSS : ) I meant in a good way, he's really nice. How do I start (this is going be a long story) : ) .. he's actually my DH's boss to begin with. He knew that Dh & I are trying for a baby and I needed to quit my old job(totally stessful not ovulating, worked till 10pm on the average and Saturdays)and I quit, did helped with the "getting pregnant"part. MC last Aug, I needed to get things off my mind ... after 2 months' rest I started working again. DH's boss offered a job, base on a__signments/Contracts/Clients with staff support (I call it full-time/part-time, sounds funny isn't it), I can work from home or office(working from home today) Back to my boss, he's very conservative(almost paranoid) about security, so work email, personal email and laptops & desktops once it's on the net and "IT does a home visit every week or so", Dh & I, are being "tabbed" (not just us but anyone who wants excess from home to office, Bosses included), it's on the contract, we signed : ( Yes, totally no privacy at all, comes with the job, can't complain : ) I'm thankful, my boss is actually very understanding towards our circ_mstances. He caught me browsing this forum sometime back, he said it was a good idea, he'll get his wife to browse too. He's in his early 50's, second marriage, no kids yet (both marriages) and his wife(now, my girlfriend) in her mid 40s and they are TTC too. Sorry ..... : ( I still need the "go ahead", IT is working on it (in fact they've been on it for a while, they say, tech is always improving they are trying to find a way to give some privacy). My girlfriends and I, can hardly "talk" via email, most of the time....we meet up, I think, they'll be "tabbed" via my email or something (don't quite get the "tech stuff" how it works) Enough of that long story : ) still cranky & the cramps are still here today : ( : ( : ( It's about 8dpo according to the charts and my temp is up, 37.2 Celsius and trying to stay positive. Yes, to the "superst_tion thing", my mother-in-law believes in that too, she feels, some people bring one another luck especially your own kids. If I didn't MC last year, baby wouldn't be born by now and this year, being "Year of the Dog" (chinese zodiac), our "baby" will bring good luck to my DH : ) and my mother-in-law, she's born in the "Year of the Dragon", I'm her "lucky charm" : ) : ) : ) I'm not going tell her about my "cramps & crankiness"(hope she doen't feel it), she has been asking how I've been feeling and coming over to do all the cooking stuff, I don't want to disappoint her again (she great to me, "like a daughter she never had", she said) Dh & I agreed, not telling anyone till it shows(if it happens for us again), except you gals(forum) . What do you think, tell/don't tell? Jinx? How are you doing, Af gone .. 3/4cd for you? I don't mean to sound gross, but is your af "clotty"? Apparently, "clotty" is not a bad thing. Last visit to TCM clinic, my physcian was discussing about Af being "clotty", it's the uterus cleaning out old lining and blood, a process for a new cycle(fewer chances of spotting during pregnancy) but they'e still trying to gather statics(I forgot all about this since last Friday) By the way, how old are you? or did I missed it from your past posts? Post is getting long, Take care & God Bless. Talk to soon : ) : ) : )