Any One Taking Clomid Over 40
2 Replies
I'm trying clomid for the first time. How many cycles does it usually take to get pregnant. Anyone out there conceived taking clomid?
I am over 40, took 2 cycles of clomid, 1st round was 100mg & injections, and my lining was too thin and he had to put me on estrace pills. Next month he dropped it to 50mg & injections and again it thinned my lining too much and had to go on estrace again. Had a chemical pregnancy that month but nothing since. That was back in Oct. Everyone is different. I hope you are being monitored because one of the side effects is the thinning of the lining and without an u/s you wouldnt know that it is too thin to get pregnant. Some get pg the first month, and then there are those of us that it messed things up for so we had to stop using it.
Clomid cost me time. At 42,I had no problem getting pregnant 3x naturally with a 28 day cycle like clockwork-unfortuantely all ended in mc (bad eggs). MD put me on Clomid, followed directions to the T, screwed up my CM, then cycle lasted 60 days., heavy flow, cycle went from 60 to 30 to21...all over the place. I then feel that i had two very early natural mc since all the signs were there...Later, my RE (a real big cheese and specialist) said it was a bad idea to give any woman regularily ovulating a boost if not absolutely necessary. My OBGYN thought it may stimulate more eggs therefore better chances.-though he never monitored me (a lazy Dr.) From what happened i am staying off it for now. If it comes to IVF and i need it i will go forward with all of the program, otherwise did not work for me and i am staying away. I wish you luck. From what i understand it works for some and not for others. I hope it works for you.