Anyone Going To Do A Planned C Section
3 Replies
| Me - July 23 |
Our doctors fully agree with us that a planned c-section is our best and safest delivery due to me having extreme problems delivering my other 2 babies. It seems a little weird though, I'm not sure how to prepare ahead for this, as it's usually done on a spur of the moment emergency. Now I have a few more months to get prepared, I just feel a bit clueless at this point what I need at the hospital, what needs to be ready at home (for my recovery). We'll have help at home only a phone call away if we need it.
hi me,I have written in the bit of cesarean,t_tle,scared of gving birth,I'd love to hear how you got on with your section,as opposed to natural births.Hope you get some response.
Hi I had an emergency c section with my first baby - 12 months later had a natural birth - but i had been told that I need to be ready to have a c section, and it was really weird planning for it, just look at all the positive things, you can plan child care for your 2 other kids and you can have everything ready for you and baby when you come home. Mandy - giving birth is alot easier than recovering from a c section.
Hi, I am also going to have a planned c-section this Nov.