Anyone Over 35 Conceive Successfully After One Ectopic

7 Replies
Kristin72 - October 16

I would like to know if there is anyone out there who conceived succesfully after having an ectopic? I know this baord does not get alot of action. But I'd thought I ask anyway. I have just recovered from an ectopic...would love to hear any success stories thanks.


Kristin72 - October 17



Georgia - October 17

Hi Kristin, I had an ectopic in 1987, then a baby in 1989. Then I had a MC in April of 2006. Another ectopic in Jan. of 07. Now I am late on my AF, getting a BFN and scared to death it is going to be in my tube again. It is possible to have anormal pregnancy after an ectopic because plenty of ladies have done so. I think that is is less possible after you get older. BUT, it IS possible and I am still trying, just like you! *baby dust* P.S. my 1st ectopic I had surgery and removed my tube. My second I had methotrexate. IF this is another ectopic, I am going to elect to do surgery if the tube can be saved because it takes a LONG time to try for another baby after methotrexate.


Kristin72 - October 19

Hi Georgia, Thanks for responding. Sorry to hear of your ectopics as well. :( I had a baby last November 2006. I fell pregnant after my period just returned on the second cycle while still bf'ing my baby. The ectopic was considered to be only suspicious of an ectopic but I guess it is so hard for them to determine 100% when the cells are so small. Because the hcg wasnot doubling and nothing was seen in my uterus at 5 weeks 5 days I had the methodextrate in 2 doses as the first time it did not reduce my hcg and I kept doubling. My doctor told me the dosages are so small and that they leave your system within 48hours. I did not lose my tubes. As of yesterday my hcg was finally at 0. I bled for 6 weeks is now just tapering off . My doc told me to wait only one cycle b4 trying to conceive again and that I could go ahead and try to get pregnant again. I however would like to get an hsg test and another ultrasound to try and determine if my tubes are blocked. She told me the ectopic could have been a fluke but then again she does not know if suspected blockage is in both tubes or not. This is why I'd like to investigate my tubes and insides more carefully b4 ttc again. However time is not on my side as I just turned 40. My lo is 10 months I would love for her to have a sibling and would not rule out IVF if they find there could be potential problems with my tubes. Would you consider that route? Best of luck I pray your recent bfn in not another ectopic..I would not wish that on is awful :( Take Care.


Boo b do - October 31

Hi Kristin, I had an ectopic in 1992 whilst a contraceptive coil was present in my womb. The fetus was growing around my left ovary not in the tube. The tube remained intact on that side and I was told that I had scar tissue on the right tube. I was told that I had no chance of falling pg naturally again. With this information in mind, I did not use contraceptive and fell pg with twins 2 months later. I found this out when the dr's scanned me as they thought I may have another ectopic. As we were not planning children, I already had four, I opted to have clips placed on my tubes just in case. In Aug 06 I had the clips removed and am currently pregnant with TRIPLETS! Totally natural and against the odds the dr's gave me. The eggs would have had to travel from my right ovary to the tube on my left according to the ob/gyn at the hospital. I am currently in my ninth week, waiting paitently for my next scan. Good luck trying to conceive. Your eggs can travel according to the doctors so as long as you have a working ovary and a clear tube, it will happen for you. Baby Dust.


Kristin72 - November 28

Thank you Boo b doo for you encouraging words. Congratulations on your pregnancy with triplets..OMG how amzing is that! You have given me much hope. I just went for an ultrasound yesterday and I am shceduled for an hSg after my next cycle to check if my tubes are blocked. I feel optomistic. From the initial ultrasound things seemed to be in good working order. I will get the results from that very soon. I plan to start ttc once I get a clean billl of health...I have my fingers crossed. All the best to you again...update whne you can as I am anxious to hear of you pregnancy with triplets. Take care.


lovemy3 - November 28

Hey kristen, Glad to hear you are doing well. the hsg may be just what you need. Thats great and I hope you get yuor BFP very soon. I only have 8 weeks to go!


Kristin72 - December 8

Thanks Lovemy3. All the best to you in your final weeks !!!! YAyyyy!!



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