Anyone Over 40 TTC -pg113441099218
5 Replies
| TLS - December 12 |
Looking for buddies, anyone trying naturally or with ART? Hard to do this alone, would like to hear for you.
Hi, I'm 39 and trying naturally to have another child. We have 3 children through clomid/IUI but would love one more.
| TLS - December 15 |
Hi Megan, I'm 42 and have tired a number of IUI's. Clomid gave me a cyst but I've tried follistim w/oka;y results. I was naturally pregnant twice at 40, but miscarried....Thanks for writing...
What is ART? I am hoping to conceive (actually we have never NOT try to conceive) in my old age of 44 but don't know if it will be possible. I have been doing some reading about progeterone levels and I think the answer lies there. Read the literature of Dr. John Lee is you get a chance. I really feel I am estrogen dominant right now. You will know what I am talking about when you read the books. Before, my hubby just had to look at me and I'd be p/g. Now, well it's a hit and miss situation. I have done everything naturally, haven't even used any type of NFP either. Just when it happens it happens. I guess I love letting God be in control of my conceptions. But now that I may be getting too old, I get a bit sad about the fact that my baby days may be over. :-( Anyway, let me know if you read Dr. Lee's books. Good luck and God bless
Hi- I just had a m/c at 40 but had no problem getting pregnant. I delivered a healthy sun last year! This was all natural conception no treatments.
| isa - December 30 |
ART is artificial reproductive technology. I'm 40 no kids ttc a year. 2 cycles iui/clomid/injections, chemical pregnancy 2nd cycle, ended up with 4 large cysts so 3rd cycle cancelled and ended up with a 40 day cycle, now cysts all gone and hoping ovulation doesnt occur before clinic opens on Tues so hopefully iui's wed,thurs.