Anyone Planning To Formula Feed
25 Replies
There are in fact women who do not produce enough milk. You can research that one or even ask your doctor. It is pretty rare, but it can happen. So before you judge on an issue, you should really be sure. And even if she just gave up to what? Choosing to b___st or bottle feed is a personal choice. While b___stfeeding is recommended there is certainly no harm in bottle feeding.
while b___stfeeding has been around for ages, as few as 40 years ago it was almost UNHEARD of in the US. VERY much NOT a popular choice. Bottlefed babies have grown up and been just as productive as b___stfed babies, and it really is immature of you to think you know everything about every woman.
I see the bonding of then as well as the crime rates you do the figuring out
| ... - November 15 |
The crime rates have risen with the population rate.... and you're telling me the people who are now 40+ are the ones committing all the crime?? Puh-lease. Check your local high school.
You think bottle feeding causes crime?? Wow.....I don't even have a response to that, lol. :D....I love this Web site! :P
Yes, it is funny how far some fanatics (sp) will reach. I b___stfed my daughter, and plan to b___stfeed #2, but that is simply because we are on a budget with me being a SAHM, I have a great pump that I didn't have to pay the $$$ for, and I have a LOT of support from my husband... plus I am lazy, and midnight feedings where all I have to do is pull up my shirt to feed the wee one just sounds good to me ;-). Definately to each his own, both have a positive side and a negative side.
There is a tremendous amount of pressure put on women to b___stfeed. I did it with my first but when my second was born I had complications and the nurses in the hospital began bottlefeeding him in the nursery. I was apopletic when I found out and he would not switch to b___stfeeding after. I decided after all the frantic attempts to switch to just go with it. Everything turned out great, in fact he is so healthy he has only been sick 3 times in 10 years! With the next two I chose bottlefeeding and simply decided to ignore the b___stfeeding "nazis" who act like you are the worst mother in the world for bottlefeeding. Do what is right for you and and be happy with your decision.
I am not a mother (yet) but I am a pediatric nurse pract_tioner. I can tell you that many women choose to bottle feed (by either pumping their own b___stmilk or using a variety of formulas). I am not sure if you plan on pumping and bottlefeeding or bottle feeding with a formula. Feeding is a personal decision as you know. My suggestion is to heavily weigh all your options, including all the pros and cons and decide for yourself. As one member said, infections (particularly those of the ear) are highly correltaed with the position of the feeding, not what's in the bottle (with the exception of the first few months in which brestmilk will contain a plethora of your own antibodies while the baby's immune system is still developing). If you do choose to use formula, do not become overwhelmed with the variety that exists! Formula is a trial and error event. I would start with something like Goodstart or Enfamil. If you give this a fair trial (acouple of weeks) and the babay is not tolerating it, see your pediatrician for advice on changing formulas. There are a variety of formulas out there which help with GERD, colic, gas, etc. Finding one that works for you and your baby is one of the many trials of patience you will experience as a mother! Hope this helps...
I bottlefeed and had no problems!