I am currently undergoing a m/c which I am devastated about due to the fact that I had waited a long time for. It came as a surprise and as I was just getting used to the idea, this had to happen. The point is that I am 39...I know...late. I have had a previous m/c which if I'm honest was a little more traumatic than what I am going through at the moment due to the fact that then I had experienced excruciating pain and blood loss for several days. I am not experiencing any pain right now and my blood loss is as a normal period but more more red. However, I am trying to concieve naturally without any man-made chemical enhancements. I have been taking EPO (evening primrose, asprin) and I strated to take the OVulex that everyone raves about for the last three weeks. I have not been able to get as close as +HPT for years and therefore I think that something I was doing was right. However, I really thought that this was it this time and I hope and pray that God will grant us what we want. At 39 am I climbing an unclimable tree? Am I giving myself too much pressure? Am I putting my man under too much stress in terms of wanting this so badly. Hearing of others being in the motherly way is making me feel quite an outcast. Having to work with children every day (I'm a tecaher) is draining my calm and collected reserves. Maybe I sound bitter, but this is what this situation is making me feel.
Tialuce, I am so terribly sorry for your loss and for what you are going through. I had a m/c last summer on my 2nd IVF cycle after being diagnosed with decreased ovarian reserve. This diagnosis meant that i had the fertility status of someone several years older than myself. I am happy to say I am now 6 mos pregnant with a baby boy from my 3rd cycle. I also did acupuncture and largely attribute my successful cycle to that. With my very poor response to fertility drugs, I was given awfully low odds, and I feel extremely fortunate to be pregnant. The fact that you did get pregnant, especially without any intervention, is a very good sign- it means that you are ovulating and can still conveive on your own! I pray that you will have a successful preg next time. If I were you, I would get some testing done, just to know where you stand. Some women are able to have babies right into their forties- I sincerely hope you will be one of them. Please try acupuncture!
Tialuce, I'm so sorry for what you're going through. And no, it's not an unclimbable tree. Can I say something without sounding too bold? I noticed that you mentioned no 'man-made enhancers' for pregnancy, and hoping that God will grant you what you want... but I really, really would suggest going to your gyno and getting tests done, and talking to them about what steps could be taken to help your situation. You obviously are at least sporadically ovulating, but if you've been working at this for a while and you're 39... you deserve to do what is within your power to make it happen. You may view a lot of infertility options as against your moral beliefs, but understand there are a few different steps that can be tried in the infertility process. While you may be against such measures as IVF, would using first-step methods such as clomid to help you ovulate be something you might consider? I'm not very religious, so I may be way off base. But you sound like such a wonderful person and after reading your story, I hope you'll do see your doctor to at least do basic testing. You sound like you'd be a great Mom. :-)
Sonia and Terio, thanx so much for your words of support and encouragement. For the last few days I have been fertility obsessed, researching possible causes for and aids to avoid m/c. I have a 2000 word masters degree essay to write by Friday and I can't even think about it just yet as my emotions and thoughts are all focused in one direction. But I know I must buckle down and do it, if only to get my thoughts diverted. However, I have decided that I may just continue down the fertility route I have been going for another nmonth or so as I have not seen a BFP in years and am convinced that I was doing something right; if only to monitor. I have an appointment to see my doctor on Wednesday and will ask about the test syou mentioned Terio. Several years ago I went through all the bloodwork and various tests to check that everything was open and clear down there, everything was fine then. However the years have piled on and anything could happen. I was reading about liver and kidney cleanses to help rid your body of toxins and many women found that once done they were able to concieve naturally due to free flow of blood and hormone regulation. This may be another avenue to try. Have you heard about toxin build up and inability to concieve during any of your research? By the way Terio, I will be a great mum. I say will because I know that God is going to give me my miracle as he will anyone who asks him. Baby dust, stones, no.... boulders to you and everyone else trying to concieve.....and thankyou.
Tialuce, I am so sorry for your loss - I too am currently going through a misscarriage. I was 40 in january and found myself pregnant. It was unplanned but once got over the shock was very excited. Have 3 boys age 14, 11 and 7. At 10 weeks I suddenly no longer felt preg and lost all symptoms. U/S showed healthy 6 week sac but nothing else. For past 10 days have been going through natural mc as didnt want to go in hosp for d and c. I am very low at the moment really dont know what to do in terms of trying again. I really wish I were 3 or 4 years younger then I wouldnt hesitate. I just couldnt go through this all again. Have to go back for check at hosp in 5 days. Its so hard when those d__n hormones kick in and all you can think of is being preg. I really do wish you luck in your next pregnancy - 3rd time lucky.