Clomid How Long Can This Drug Be Prescribed
3 Replies
Does any one know the number of cycles that Clomid can be prescribed for? I am 39 and currently on my second round (100 mg). I have tracked my BBT for the last two montha as well but have not noticed the spikes that my OB says should occur. We have been trying to conceive for a year without success. I am thinking this may never happen for me.
Listen to your doctor.. Clomid isn't effective for everyone. Ask about combining it with Red Raspberry leaf tea.. also helps regulate cycles. My doc confirmed all the research I have found on Clomid in that it shouldn't be taken for more then 6 cycles, as your risks for cancer and cysts increases after 6 cycles of use. Good luck ! One way or another, you will get your baby!
| L - November 23 |
The standard time is 6 cycles. Clomid tricks your body into producing additional FSH and LH. Are ovarie sare like an orange and the more you squeeze, the less juice you get, whcih is why the standard limit is 6 cycles. Has your dr performed a clomid challenge and post-ovulatory P4 test? This is the only way to determine if your dosage is effective. THere are plenty of ways to mess up your BBT recording so it isnt' the most reliable method to determine ovulation.
Thanks for the response MaMa Beans and L. I will be in touch with my OB/GYN this week. AF is expected late in the week. Hopefully, I won't see her but if I do I'll be sure to ask about the clomid challenge and the post-ovulatory P4 tests.