Doc Said Ttc While Breastfeeding Is Difficult Anyone
8 Replies
| KLM - November 29 |
Hi ,
I have already started a thread getting pregnant for second child and was wondering if you got pregnant while br___tfeeding as my doctor said that it would be much more difficult and as one person mentioned that it has happened and can be a surprise and I am also 36 with a 10 month old and it took only about a month and a half to conceive for my first child when I was 34. Any helpful information would be greatly appreciated.
Well, I'm not over 35... just popped over here from Infant Care out of curiousity (and boredom lol), but I got pregnant with my 3rd (son) when my 2nd (daughter) was 8 months old and was still b___stfed. I was 30 at the time. With my first pregnancy I got pregnant the first month of trying (it ended in m/c), then with my oldest (son) I got pregnant the first month of trying. With my daughter it took 21 months, a diagnosis of PCOS, fertility drugs, etc. to get pregnant so I really didn't expect that I would get pregnant with #3 so soon (and while b___stfeeding, much less). Pretty strange, huh? Good luck ttc!!!
I got my period back when my dd was 10 months old and fell pregnant again when she was 15 months old, while I was still b___stfeeding. She was also still feeding through the night at this age too, and we weren't trying to conceive, although not taking any precautions either. I was 39 then and 40 when ds was born. Good luck!
Hi KLM - I stopped b___stfeeding my first baby at 7 months, and got pregnant with my second when she was 10 months old. I think I COULD get pregnant at any point after the first birth, regardless of b___stfeeding - because my body seems to conceive at the first attempt. I was actually afraid to conceive before I was mentally ready. I think b___stfeeding can be a ONE component in fertility, but there are so many other individual components - one woman may conceive 1 mo after giving birth, another may conceive only after stopping b___stfeeding. In the past, women with no birth control had babies every year. The more important question, I think, is - if you are pregnant AND b___stfeeding - what do you do? I've known women doing both - but I personally think the baby inside of you should take preference.
oh I was 40 when I conceived the second baby.
| KLM - December 5 |
Thank you so much for the input and I started charting my temps with a basal thermometer and hopefully next year sometime my 10 month old will have a sister or brother so these posts are very encouraging!!! Thanks so much for the input.
I was exclusively b___stfeeding my son when I conceived our lastest little boy. No cycles at all since the birth on my son in February this year. Now I am 23 weeks pregnant.. Any thing can happen, Good luck!!!
I got pregnant while b___stfeeding. My son was 12 months or so. I think it might have had something to do with an estrogen cream someone had given me to rub on unwanted facial hair though! But, yes, you can get pregnant while b___stfeeding.
I was still bf my first he was 15 months when I got pg. My second was turning 3 he was 3 wekks away I was still bf and got pg for the last time.