Hi all, i am 38 and am currrently about 8 weeks pregnant. I had my third baby just 7 months ago and am feeling very anxious about the experience all over again. The thought of genetic testing is freaking me out. Not to mention the fact that I'm going to have two children in diapers. Any advice.
Hey! I got pregnant when my baby was 9 months old. I had them at 39 and 41. My daughter was super-good about the baby, I don't remember any problems when my son was an infant. When she hit her "terrible twos" - yes, there were moments when I needed half a dozen hands to contain a tantrum and to carry a baby at the same time. They are now 3.5 and almost 2 years old, the best friends ever. I had two in diapers until I potty trained my daughter at 26 months - so that was 8 months of two kids in diapers. You will survive. My son is still in diapers, will potty train him next summer. Genetic testing - I did amni0s with both of them, I have no idea why there is such a hoopla about it all, it was not a big deal. Enjoy your pregnancy, read less statistics, it may freak you out.
I am 43 and pregnant with my third child. Even at my age my chances for a normal, healthy child is better than 96%. It kind of puts things in perspective. Just follow your gut and do what is right for you. At least having two so close together, you will also have two independent at the same time. My kids are 10 years apart, and will be 8 years apart. It is like starting over all over again with an only child and they won't have the same bond your two will. I had my first toilet trained by the time she was two so maybe you'll be lucky too. My son took a bit longer though. Good luck and have fun!