Gestational Diabetes What The Heck Do I Eat
1 Replies
I'm 29 weeks pregnant and found out today I failed my glucose tolerance test (the three-hour one). I await a call from the hospital, who'll hook me up with a nutritionist or somebody or another who'll eventually "teach" me what to eat and not eat. In the mean time, in the mean time, what the heck to I eat? One site tells me I can't have fruit, cereal or milk in the morning, but another site says I have to limit eggs too. 3 meals and 3 snacks a day? I'm sc#$%^& because I pretty much eat all day long. 3 snacks? I figure I'll starve! No clue how to deal with this unless they get around to telling me how to deal with this. Advice?! (I know it's not the end of the world, but still.... it's frustrating to not have a clue what you are supposed to eat or not eat. To think, a diet soda is better for me than apple juice?! What the heck?!
Hey perchy---i have it too, and its not really fun, but not as bad as yyou may think. Its mostly about portion control. You can still have almost everything, but way smaller quant_ties. You can have cereal, but only a cup, with a cup of milk. Keep your carbs whole grain, (rice, pasta,cereals, etc.) and limit the serving to no more than 1 cup at a time. Eat lots of protein and veggies, like chicken and salads, watch the dressing, dont use any sweet dressings, and you can eat like 1 sweet thing a day preferably one made with no sugar like sugar free ice cream. I eat like half a cup when i do have it. You get used to it. And look at it this way--you dont have much longer to go. My GD was diagnosed in the 1st tri! Im only 18 weeks =====i jhave way longer! Good luck!