High Blood Pressure-pg113648396818
5 Replies
I just found out I am pregnant (4 weeks) and I have high blood pressure. Do any of you have it? And what do you take for it?
Hi Lisa, I noticed no one replied yet. (pouty face). I was hoping some of the others would have posted by now because I am in the same situation as you. I have HBP, and it is definately not anywhere near being in control. I am having trouble finding a doctor who can give me a straight answer.....Will this medication be safe for the baby? And all I ever get back is......Well its safer for you to take it then to have a stroke or a heart attack while your pg.. ARG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Duh i know that part already. Anyway right now Im suppose to be taking Procardia XL, but I tried it for 3 days and had the worse migrain side effects so bad that I needed to stop. I have an appt. with a HBP specialist that deals with pregos but not for 2 weeks, so as I stumbled across the threads in here I noticed yours, and am hoping by now you have learned about what can and shouldnt be taken during your pregnacy. And maybe pa__s the news on to me. (Im into my 6th month already, almost 38 yrs old, and scared of having a heart attack during the delivery.) Please reply if you still come to this site,,Id greatly appreciate it.
hi, Lisa, Lillianna, I'm 40 yrs old, still trying to get pregnant, and I have HBP also. My Doc put me on methyldopa, she says it the only drug of choice when your trying to get pregnant and while you are pregnant. Side effects @ 1st was a little dizzyness, whic went away after about a week. Now it's like I'm not taking anything @ all.
I was taking Methyldopa for a long time and it really didn't work for me. My doc upped my dosage, but my bp didn't change. Turns out I had an ectopic pregnancy so now I am back on my regular BP medication. I am not supposed to get pregnant while taking it, but it really brings my blood pressure where it ought to be. I am thinking about not trying again.
Lilianna, I hope your doc gets you on some medication that will work for you and not hurt your baby.
hi there, I didn't have HBP prior to pregnancy but while pregnant with my first two but not my third I developed Preeclampsia and was put on Aldomet which is Methyldopa. I felt sick on it, dizzy and yucky but only needed it for 3 months then my bp went back to normal after birth. Good luck.
Lisa & Lilliana:
I too, was having HBP whenever I visit with my doctors. And I usually ask them to retake it after my appt., & it is lower. I decided to buy my own b/p machine for home use. And everytime I take my b/p, it's normal. My b/p just goes up whenever I visit with my doctor because of anxiety. So at home, I take my own b/p reading. At least, you can conclude whether your hbp is related to anxiety. Goodluck.