Lin Can You Help Please

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Boo b do - December 7

Hi Lin, I have read a lot of your replies and I feel you may be able to help me or advise? On Monday I had my appointment at the hospital with the dr. (I think you call them OB's, he did my tubal reversal). At around 4 that morning I was up throwing up (sorry if tmi) and curled up in pain in my right side and cervic area again, (this happened on the 18th but with out the sickness). I took pain killers and went back to bed as I knew I had my appointment later that morning. I told my dr that I was on CD41 (CD43 today) and about the sickness and pains. He seemed really concerned and told me he needed to do a internal scan. What he found I am confused about ,so maybe you can explain it better for me as you seem to understand the whole process and how our bodies 'should' work. I could not really get a straight answer from the dr. First thing he asks when looking at the monitor is 'when did you take your last pg test?? I told him I think it was last week. He carries on scanning and I'm watching his face and his expression changes to concern?? I can't see the monitor at this stage. He then shows me the monitor and points out a small sac in my uterus and I tell him about my blood test at the hospital and my HCG results (below 2) taken on Friday 1st Dec. He then scanned my right ovaries which is where I had most of my pain and shows me three (what looks like) large sacs? He says they may be cysts, but then he changed his mind and said they could be unreleased eggs?? Which one could they be, this far into my cycle and no AF? (mine should be 28, but clomid increased it to a 31 day cycle recorded by my last one on the Oct 25th) I am so confused! I guess I have so much more to learn. I asked him if the 'egg sacks' or lack of an AF are screwing up my body and causing the pain and he said it is more than likely the unreleased eggs? Would I have these still if I ovulated earlier in the month, I thought I did on the 18th Nov, should I still be showing these on CD41? As I thought I ovualted on the 18th, CD23, I'm not so sure I did now? He also said my pros level of 14 taken the other day along with the HSG test, does mean I have more than likely ovulated, BUT on a previous occasion I was told by his secretary, from my original notes that he had put I needed to be at least 35 to ovulate...what is going on?! I need your help on working out what is happening with me please? Try to ignore what the dr has told me, tell me what your instincts are saying about this?? I asked him lots of questions but did not feel things were any clearer? What is this sac in my uterus? Is it possbile I ovulated later than I thought and tested too early with the HSG being so low? Regarding my next AF, he has told me wait for this to happen. I have told him I no longer want to take the clomid and need an atlernative like Femara, He said he had never heard this and looked it up in his book. He said it is not a normal source to use in the UK, but they would replace clomid with Tamoxifin?? I said I do not want any meds for the next couple of months, I need my body to sort itself out. Any advice you can give would be appreciated. I have booked an appointment with the local doc on Monday, so I'd like to be prepared. Baby Dust



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