Loosing The Weight If Your Over 30
15 Replies
I would like to hear from older moms who are not supermodels and close to 30. Is it possible to loose this weight. Comments on breeat feeding and weight loss? I have heard conflicting tales. This question is not what is best for the baby the question is will you loose weight with breat feeding?
I am chemist with two masters degree neither my aunt or mother br___t fed a day. I do not believe in anything except transferrance of immunity for a period of 6 months.
??? Are you making some correlation between your career and education and not being b___st fed?!?! Anyway, b___st feeding will only a__sist in getting you back to your pre birth weight sooner than if you do not b___st feed. If you are overweight to begin with, b___st feeding is not solution to your weight problem I do have a question, why would you want to make a decision knowing that it is "NOT what is best for your baby" ? ? ?
johnemid- It took me about a year to get back down to my pre-pregnancy weight. With that said, some things have shifted, so my body is not exactly the same. I think if I exercised more, I would have lost weight faster. I didn't b___st feed since I wasn't a producer.
Lunamoo -
I was trying to insinuate that there is no scientific evidence other than a transferrence of immunity for a period of six months. There is no other real benefit for your baby but there could be some definite side effect s for the mother like sagging b___bs. The tissue dissolves and never rebounds. I have had several women state that they didn't start to rebound until they stopped b___st feeding! The only benefit I have heard is that it helps your uterus contract (but this is not weight). I don't want to hear from super models or seventeen year olds whose bodies will rebound much eaiser then mine. I want to hear from older mothers who can shed some light on the joys of b___st feeding. So far, I have had one just one woman say it helped her lose weight.
Emily: I'm not sure what your masters degrees have to do with not being b___stfed but if you think there's a correlation, I have a doctorate and am a member of MENSA and my mother and grandmother both b___stfed exclusively. But I don't think that either of our situations can prove anything. As to your question about losing weight, it took me about 11 months to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight. My milk production was low at first, so I was advised to increase my calorie and carb intake (a little not a lot) to produce more milk. In addition, I had a c-section and that has an impact on how quickly you lose weight because you can't be as physically active as quickly as you would with a v____al birth. That said, my son is now 15 months old and I'm still b___stfeeding but I'm now 10 pounds lighter than I was when I first became pregnant. My Immunologist/Allergy Specialist who has been treating me for 3 years with allergy injections told me that the longer I b___stfeed, the better off my son will be in terms of building up his immunities. She said this based on scientific studies and based on her great reputation and experience, I believe her. I totally disagree with your comment that there is "no other real benefit for your baby". I speak from experience having had a baby born with acid reflux, it was much easier for him to digest my b___stmilk than formula (which I had to use initially because of low milk supply) so that's an added benefit. Other benefits: reduction in the risk of b___st and ovarian cancer; cost savings of not having to buy formula; money, time and stress saved because you have a healthier baby. The pediatrician told me that on average a baby gets 6 colds per year. My ds has been sick with a cold only once. My favorite benefit of all of course is the bonding and quiet time I get with my baby which is the most special part of b___stfeeding.
Please don't take offense or think that I am trying to portray myself as a professor. I was trying to convey that I am a scientist also an award winning memeber of MENSA and I believe in facts and truth. I want real asnwers and not approved book versions of society approves as being the good and right thing to do. I am very dissappointed in this site. It seems like the comments that are accceptable are the ones that come what to expect when you are expecting. I was just trying to get some opinions outside of the book.
For all those of you who are offended by my black and white approach, my sincere apologies. I am also completely taken back that there are no other women out there like me.
I wish you the best. I will not be visting this site anymore, I have offended all of you but I a__sure you that was not my intent.
I had my first kid at 22yo and 2nd when I was 27 yo. Both times I had c-section and both times I gained 19 to 20 lbs. I was back IN SHAPE in three weeks. I b___stfed 1st kid for 9 months and 2nd kid for 14 months. I don't have stretch marks, but I've used almond oil every day, from day 1 that I'v elearned I was pregnant. The only thing that was not the same were my b___sts: The aureola stretched and became darker and b___bs were flabby afterwards; Not a big for me, I believe in b___stfeeding. I plan to have b___st surgery soon. I'd do anytime again. Totally worthy, kids are super healthy.
I believe having kids at 22 and 27 were a big part of getting back in shape so quickly ( I have pics of myself 3 weeks after c-section at the beach!). I also believe that b___stfeeding, exercising and eating healthy were big part of it - I'm vegetarian.
Good luck to all.
PS: I'm 43 yo - 114lb (gained 10 lbs last year), 1st kid is 21yo , 2nd kid is 16yo. Not bad AT ALL!
That saved one of my kids from meningitis.
Thank you
Emily -
It seems you are being villianized on this site. My apologies for that! I see nothing offensive with your question or any of your comments. It also seems like the below haven't even taken to the time to read what you wrote. I love how Ms. PhD makes up quotes that aren't there? And lunamoo draws correlations which are not being drawn. I guess the standards at Mensa aren't to strict.
As you have stated there is a benefit of immunity transference, however your b___bs will pay the price. Breast helps with contracting your uterus but not necessarily weight loss. Many women can't loose weight until they stop b___st feeding.
Mensa is a stupid club. they asked me to take the test in 7th grade after I won the state science fair. It's a whole bunch of haughty arrogant people who have their priorities out of whack. A waste of time if you ask me. You pa__s a test they keep you on a roster.
You are on your second pregnancy, did you regain your shape? Not that I don't appreciate baby SD comments but 114 pounds is way skinner then me. If you have skinny genes, it seems like your metabolism takes care of it. I don't. I am already at a 25 pound weight gain and it's only be 6 months. I might gain 40 pounds. I am very worried because I have never lost weight in my life.
Well it depends on your body. I kept 10 of the 35 pounds I gained during my first pregnancy.
Breast feeding can sometimes help you lose weight but not always. You can lose the weight but it usually take about a year.
Leslie_XX: if you're referring to my reply quoting johnemib, I only made one and only one quote and that was to johnemib's February 2nd response. I don't think anyone is villainizing Emily. I certainly was not. BTW, a doctorate does not always necessarily mean a PhD. Who's the one not doing their reading here?****Emily (johnemib): First of all, MENSA is not the issue here but since you're slamming it I'll briefly defend it. You don't just perpetually remain a MENSA member. You only have to take the qualifying test once or quailify by scoring high on a variety of other approved exams, but you have to pay your dues to continue to call yourself a member. It's true, many Mensans are arrogant, but you can't generalize and stereotype the whole group of us as being arrogant--after all you referred to yourself as a member of MENSA. Some Mensans never went to college and some are very humble and genuinely nice people who are housewives or have low paying jobs. On to the real issue: I'm sorry you don't feel that my answer was a real answer. If you re-read my response you'll see that I based my response on personal experience (both my experience as a b___stfeeding, older mother and someone who has worked in the healthcare industry) and on the advise of my doctors. I consider these to be "facts and truth" and not answers at all based on the book "What to Expect When You're Expecting". I believe that most women on this website are more intelligent than you give them credit. Most women on this website are intelligent enough to make sound judgments about how to care for their babies without relying blindly one a book like What to Expect when You're Expecting. We don't always agree but that's alright. If it appears that most of us have one way of thinking, maybe there's a reason that is totally unrelated to reading the one book you mentioned. My response was that it took me 11 months to lose the weight even while b___stfeeding. In your February response you asked us to "shed some light on the joys of b___stfeeding". I tried to do that for you too. I personally was not offended by your responses but it appears you were offended by my answer since you're disregarding it as not being a "real answer". Sorry you feel that way. Maybe the only response you're looking for is the one that validates what you're saying. I'm done with this discussion but, I wish you and your baby all the best of luck in whatever you decide to do.
Pearl -
No offense intended but you are attacking again. Please stop. This is supposed to be a place where you can get advice. I am sure she appreciated your comments but there were written in an offensive way as was your response. Please Stop! You did not answer the question and it was posed in such a way to say I don't want to know the benefits of b___st feeding for my child I want to know if it will help me lose weight? This question was not answered. So I guess you wrote what you wanted to read. Three, all you did in your response was confirm that immunity is a major benefit to the baby.
It is so sad to see bullies on this site. Can't we all just get along.
My mom didn't b___st feed and she didn't have trouble loosing the weight the first time but had more trouble the second time. I am having my first baby and I don't know if it really helps you to loose weight.
Breast-feeding is a very personal decision. It will help some women to lose the weight...but in some cases the weight that could have been lost might be mitigated by the increased caloric intake required to ensure adequate milk production. I am probably similar to Emily....definitely not a skinny minny! Also, I am 40, with a 4 month old son at home who was 10lbs8oz at birth. For some odd reason, my weight gain during his pregnancy was minimal....and I had lost the weight by the time he was 2 weeks old. Breastfeeding and I do not get along that well....but I attempted to give him at least 3 weeks (what I also gave my daughter who, coincidentally never became ill as an infant) worth of b___stmilk. It's upsetting for me to read the way women constantly pressure one another about "hot topics" such as b___st-feeding....or the even hotter topic of abortion. Also....there are many intelligent souls out there who have never been breasfed as well as many numbskulls out there who were exclusively b___stfed. Who cares? I am also scientific and tend to look at cold, hard facts. Anyway....let's leave each other alone about such personal decisions....thanks....ciao