May June And Some TTC Ers PART 7
37 Replies
Hi ladies, it's been a couple of days. Been just swamped at work-finally catching up some. Welcome Lovedblessings, Tylersmommy and Maturemom! Karen-I hope all is well!! Please update us as soon as possible. You'll be in my prayers too :) LM3-how discouraging! Have you talked to your dr. about it? Is it possible you've just had bad opk's? I hope your bding, just in case! (You know I would! LOL) Thanks Hopeful for your good advice on No mushy movies--I think that goes for sappy music too! You sound like you're in wonderful spirits, I'm so glad you're feeling better and I hope you're swim was wonderful! LOL Maturemom-boy you're asking some tough questions...and unfortunately, I'm in the same boat financially, so probably not the best to give advise right now, but I'll take a stab at it...I'm the main bread winner and I would just love to stay home, but unfortunately we need to eat (and I have 4 kids now and 1 on the way--so that's a lot of food). My biggest thing is that I want to buy a house. Right now we're in a run down duplex and it's very tight for all of us. And only 1 bathroom for 6 people!!! We were not planning on having a baby so soon and I was hoping to get in a better financial place before even trying. We were using other methods, but have a very active sxx life, so I think it was inevitable that I got pg. But now that I am, I go through stages of feeling a lot of stress because of the added financial burden it's going to put on us. We live check to check right now and I can't even fathom buying maternity clothes or baby stuff (since my youngest is almost 11--I've long since gotten rid of that stuff!!). But it is what it is and even though at times we get criticized for it by others, we're the ones that are living with it and we'll just have to make it work, right? I guess what I'm trying to say is...if we had done it the way that I wanted, by getting more financially stable, I don't think we would have ever been there??? And now after talking with women that are trying to conceive at our age (I just turned 40) but haven't yet, what if I'd have waited and wouldn't be able to again? In my opinion, it's all in God's hands, and if you were meant to have another one now, he'll send you a sign :) I know I have no choice but to trust in him that somehow we'll be okay. If I put all the worries on myself, I would drive myself crazy and it wouldn't do anybody any good. I also know that we have been blessed in our household with an abundance of love--it overflows everywhere and I feel very fortunate for that! So even though I may be less fortunate than others in the financial department, I am wealthier than many others in the love dept!! Not sure if I helped at all??? But it sure felt good to vent all of that...good luck with your decision-it's not an easy one and as you just read, it was one that was made for me, which I am grateful. Hope everyone else is doing well today--Tracy, Sann, Val, KD any news? Col, are you still out there? And Uvamom?
Belly Rubs and Baby Dust to all!!!!
It's a wonderful afternoon!!! Ya hoo! I just got back from my ultrasound and everything is pefect. Baby was doing flips and waving, and yawhing and we got 4 great pics of him/her. I am so relieved and thank all of you for your kind thoughts. When she told me the little bean was fine I broke out crying from the relief. I was so excited I called my parents and told them everything and they were really happy for us but told me to slow down. Welcome Maturemom and Tylersmommy. Glad you could join us here. What a great day!!
Congrats Karen!!!!!
I just can't wait until my appointment next week--it's my 1st and I'm just dying to hear a heartbeat or something confirming that this baby is indeed insided of me and doing okay. Other than the awful symptoms, I've had nothing to go on..Thanks for your great news!!! Hopefully it'll cheer up all of those reading the posts today!!
Hello all !! Well ilanded up having the amnio yesterday and what an episode it was !! Only on the 4th attempt was the doc. able to draw amniotic fluid out !! Not liking needles at the best of times I am sure you must know how I was feeling . To answer your question Hopeful and excited my blood screening came back and showed that I had a 1:170 chance of having a downs baby . No even though that doesn't sound too high I also had some threatened miscarriage problems earlier in my pregnanacy so cos of that the doc wanted to make sure that all was well with baby . I am so glad tha it is over with now ! I will get the resultson Tues so fingers crossed . The great thing was that I was able to see baby wriggling and kicking and that I will also find out the s_x of baby when the results get back . Really hoping for a girl !!! So fingers crossed ... Lovemy3 just to let you know the month that I conceived I really thought that I had not o'ed . I wasn't temping but was following my CM . I had nearly no CM but still conceived so keep bding you never know !!! Karen E great to hear your good news !! I also had early bleeding and was in hospital twice for bed rest . The first time at 9 weeks when I thought I had miscarried and the second time at 15 weeks . Baby still very strong !! Anyway girls look forward to your posts . Keeop them rolling in and hope you all have an awesome week-end !! Belly rubs and baby dust a plenty for all ...
Good morning all....Karen...glad to hear all is glad for you. You must be relieved. Tlersmommy...glad thats over long for results? WELCOME maturemom......I say follow your heart. I am 37 and ttc#4, having trouble, still perservering. BM5...I have an appointment on jan 23 and will ask then. I just find it so weird, first 3 no problem. I know its a sign of my age and will just be so sad if this doesn't happen ya know. KD...whats up, how are you. Hopeful, Sann, Val and Tracy, how are you guys? Nothing to report here. CD18, NEGATIVE opk, no cm at all. Don't ujnderstand at all. I have never had a non-ovulatory month before. Anybody know what causes these?
Hi all. Nothing to report here except that the sun has come out again (which is what I meant before about the "beautiful weather" that we've been having before - not warm by any means, as I'm high up in the mountains, but beautifully sunny and crisp!) Karen - so glad that the bleeding and cramps were nothing to worry about. What did the doc say it was caused by - can you do anything to stop it? Hopefully it's the last time you'll have to worry like that as you don't need the stress! Great to hear that you've shared the news. I think your family are right that you should slow down. I think that's a good piece of advice for all of us to be honest!! Go and put your feet up NOW!! LOL!!! Maturemom - welcome to you. You've come to the right thread for support I can tell you. I wish I had some words of wisdom for you though - it really is such a personal decision for you and only you and hubby can make it. What does he say about it? Given that you listed out a lot of reasons why it might not be a good idea, I would actually sit down and write a list of all the pros and cons to get it clear in your head. Then toss a coin! I know this sounds like I'm being flippant but actually, although it's a strange way to decide, it really works because you'll have all the reasons (for and against) fresh in your head and whichever way the coin lands your instinct will tell you whether it's landed the right or the wrong way for you. I hope that makes sense! Of course, there's also the very good point which BM5 made - see what fate brings you and go for it anyway!! Good luck and keep in touch. Whichever way you decide will be supported wholeheartedly by all of us here!!! BM5 - yes the swim was wonderful but boy was I tired when I got home. I even slept late this morning because of it. I was going to go again today but I think I might skip it - lazy so-and-so!! Tylersmommy - glad that your amnio is over despite the multiple attempts (how ghastly!). It sounds like it was the right decision for you and it is always better to be on the safe side. Goodness you're getting the results back quickly - it takes 2-3 weeks here which is an awful lot of stress time. Glad you don't have to go through that. Well done you and baby. Try to relax now. lovemy3 - hope you're doing OK and not getting too bogged down with your OPKs etc. It seems that a lot of women have conceived when their OPKs and CM are not doing what they're supposed to so bear that in mind if you can and don't lose hope. Try to look on the positive as I'm sure your eggs will prefer it! LOL!! How's everyone else today? Wish we'd hear from Sann - hope she's just resting from the amnio. Update us soon if you haven't recently! TTYL!
New thread started PART 8 See ya over there!