Partial Previas Anyone

3 Replies
Pam - June 8

Hi Everyone! I am 21 weeks and at my last US the Dr. told me that I have a partial previa with the placenta. Everything else looks normal. I have never had one before and he said the majority of them shift correctly before birth. I am 37 but don't know if that has anything to do with it. Have any of you experienced this as too and did any of them turn to full previas? I have been feeling great and have no signs of anything with bleeding, etc. but I thought I would like to get some feedback. Thanks!


L - June 13

hi- I had a partial previa but it did resolve itself at 20w (was partial since 12w).. My OB said it can resolve by itself and they don;t watch it "more" until 30w+ and even so then it's not a big issue.. no bleeding is good.. if you do start spotting- take it easy for a while and let your OB know..


Pam - June 14

L, thanks so much for your reply, I really appreciate it!


LoriH - June 15

I had one with my first pregnancy. I had several episodes of heavy bleeding, but it did correct itself by around 5 months. I had to be on partial bedrest (during the bleeding), and pelvic rest (no s_x) until it had moved. It was very scary, but it turned out just fine. If yours doesn't move, they'll schedule a c-section for you.



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