Possible Miscarriage Need Feedback Please
11 Replies
In my earlier postings my level had only gone up to 3850. The test today revealed only 4700. My OB said she would have been happy at no less than 6000. She has indicated that she will do a sonogram but is scheduling a DC for me this week.
Were any of your number this low that succesfully went onto pregnancy? I feel really, really weird since I am still pregnant and the DC process..... Any feedback would help me greatly on your experiences or just thoughts. Thanks and blessings to all!
Babyfaith what have you heard have you had the d&c yet? I went thru this with the hcg levels did not have to have a D&C as my levels never got that high but I m/c 18days ago. I knew a week ahead of time that I was going too and the Dr. just took me off meds and let me go on my own. After they took me off proesterone it took a full week to m/c Anyway I know the pain of losing a baby so will be here if you want or need to vent. I wish there were more willing to give support I posted several times and never got a response on a few. It has been a hard road and I still am trying to heal emotionally. I have a friend who found out the day I was told I would m/c that she was due 7 days after I was. What a b__w that was. anyway good luck and hope next pg is great for us both.
HI babyfaith.... I'm really sorry to hear about this...... What are you thinking you will do? I once miscarried many years ago- I was 3 1/2 months and started cramping and baby came out- It was and is very sad.... I will be here if you want to talk or vent.... Please take care.....
Wantanotheraftertr- I am truly sorry for your loss as well.... Are you going to try again soon? Do you have any children now?
Thank you all so much for your feedback and support. I am having the dc tomorrow at 10am. I am depressed and sad but understand that the baby is already gone. They are going to test the tissue to see if they can find any chromological disorders that we need to be aware as we try again. My OB has me going to our fertility doc on Apr 4th to go on fertility drugs this time. We were able to get pregnant succesfully on our own the first time out, but with age (40) she is encouraging us to get that added help to get pregnant quickly again. Neither of us has children and are looking forward to having one of our own. I will share the test results on the tissues, etc as soon as the results are in. You cannot know how helpful this is for me to be able to reach out to ya'll during this time. I wish all of the best and continued success. This has been equally hard on my fiance. How have your partners helped support ya'll? Were you blubbering emotional crying wrecks afterwards? Thanks for your help!!!
sorry to hear this babyfaith. I have been in your shoes too. I am glad you are going to have tissue evaluated - it does give you some "understanding". We went through genetic counseling and found out we were "normal"...ha ha. I have a wonderful, perfectly spoiled 6 mo old little girl now.
Babyfaith I am 20 days past my m/c and I am still an emotional wreck but getting better! I don't cry as much but there is no replacing that little one I lost. I found keeping a written journal to the baby helps. (I write to the baby alot when I am sad) I call it Angel as it is my Angel now and Its a unis_x name! I write everything I am feeling it helps. I am praying for you it's really hard and sometimes the support just isn't there and if it is it really doesn't help! I am so sorry for your loss!
Our greatest I am able to try right away as my hcg never got very high and i m/c on my own no d&c. I have been married 17 years and we have 3 children. All teenagers soon. the oldest will graduated on May 2oth we were young when we had them all I am 35 and not ready to be an empty nester even though the youngest is almost 13 I can't imagine my life without another child to make me fell full! How about you and babyfaith any children? I had a Tubal reversal in Oct 2006 I have since been trying to talk everyone I know who is considering a tubal out of it It is so hard to go thru the reversal process. anyway have to get ready for work hope we all get the baby we desire soon ! and the healing we need!
hi girls - babyfaith - so sorry for what youa re going thru - i had a d&c 3 friday's ago now - i share in your pain. it sounds like we are close in time too wantanother..... my differences is that my hcg's got high - i was 11w - and now we are waiting for them to return to "normal". i was told i have to wait 3 cycles before trying again because i was 11w along and because i needed the d&C -- my body never bled or had cramps or anything (we saw a heartbeat at 8 wks but not at 10w2d). i just found out yesterday that my baby was a little girl - i am heart broken all over again. tryingx3 - congrats on your little girl - i had the chromosonal testing as well - and got results yesterday - "no major chromosonal abnormalities" is what the doc reported - i asked for moer of an explanation (it wasn't my regular OB - but 1 that was covering her vacation who knew i was very eager to know what went wrong - so she phoned with results and said reg OB will follow up next week) -- but that she wanted me to know there was no trisomy 18 or 21 etc -- and then she shared it was a little girl - - - - i didn't hear much after that - i was crying too much..... so does that mean this baby was healthy? if yes - why did i miscarry? (it is my 1st miscarriage and i have a DD who is almost 2) ...... and i wanted another baby - we tried for almost a year - i am 39 and have been told that time is not on my side....... thanks for letting me vent - i am hoping to find some answers to help gain closure so i can move on and hopefully try again. i truly feel your pain ladies - babyfaith - i will check back and see how you are doing after your procedure. my best to you all.
Babyfaith and wantanotheraftertr AGAIN- I'm sooo sorry for what you are both going through..... Journals have helped me get through many rough roads and going back like a year later and reading how you felt at that time really is sureal..... I am 35 years old as well and I have two boys and 2 girls through previous marriage and youngest just turned 9 years old..... My husband has two older kids(29 and 22) through previous relationship he is 50 years old..... Please take care.... Lorie Ann
Julie I will never know what mine was. I was crying just reading your story. Did you have a name picked they say it helps to use the name and give it a name there is even a web site that will send you a certificate so you have a momento of your child (of course for a price) in googled grieving after m/c It helped. you are right we are close. I however can try right away but it has been very hard I feel like I am somehow not being good to the one I lost by trying now. Our greatest thanks for your thoughts do you still think about your baby I was told that due date would be hard every year as well as the time of year that you m/c Have you found this to be true? Babyfaith how are you doing? I hope everything went well and that you start healing soon. Its a rocky road but I'll be here for you! I am thinking about you and praying as well and for you too Julie!
hi -- wantanother - you are being good to the one you lost - you always were and you will always hold a special place in your heart for that baby - that no one can fill ever. just think how wonderful it is when your little angel above can look at momma anytime. you had the TR for a reason - and that reason still exists - your angel will understand that. we didn't have a name before we found out about her - but i decided to call her ariana - i just like it and it seemed to fit - it means pure and innocent. tryingx3 - congrats on your baby girl - how wonderful! and babyfaith - are you out there? please let us know how you are doing.
Hi Ladies,
Just followed your posts as we seem to be in the same age group. Julie i think I responded to one of your posts on the MC forum. I myself have had four mc's two last year and one before the birth of my son (now 5 my only child) and one after him. I had heart beats on all and reached between 10-12 weeks on all. I have had a D&C performed on each one as my body would not MC naturally, no cramping nothing. The one plus to D&C for me anyway, is that we could test to see what the problem is and especially for spmeone like me with recurrent mc's I really needed answers. Unfortunately all have had Chromosonal Anomalies in short...bad eggs. I recently had genetic testing done (November) and neither my dh or I carry any genetic mutant genes. As the Geneticist explained to us is that all women are born with their egg supply at birth, we have good and bad eggs (meaning some have defaults in the genetic makeup) some of us have more than others and as we age are egg supply depletes ,so more problem eggs come forth or in other words are chances of having a bad egg is more common. However, she said even after having 4 mc's and i am 38 (in June) I still have a good chance of having a healthy child. So there is hope, even if we are older the percentages are still good. MC is very common it is not until we suffer one that we realize how common it really is. The pain though is immense but I can tell you from experience that time will heal you and my best advice is to keep the hope and never give up on your dream of having a healthy baby. After going through 6 yrs of MC I am only now letting go of the emptiness, anger and loneliness...seems so weird to say loneliness but that by far has been the biggest emotion unless you know someone who has had one. This forum has helped a lot and it has been theraputic to express your anger, fear, pain etc. and there are some very, very brave women on here who have suffered unbelievable loss. This brings my situation in perspective and their courage helps to move forward. I wish you all the best and babyfaith I hope all has gone well with the D&C and you get some answers, I am sure you will.