Preterm Labor Question-pg118468351022
4 Replies
Hello, I am 35 (I'll be 36 when I deliver in Oct.) and I'm 26 weeks along with my first. I have read that women over 35 have a higher risk of preterm labor. I was wondering if anyone knows how true this is or how much greater the risks are? I haven't had any kind of problems at all with this pregnancy (except for several braxton-hicks when I work myself too much) but I'm just a little concerned because of my age.
hi, im 40 y/o and 28 weeks with my 2nd child. i dont remember my doctor mentioning to me about a preterm labor nor being worried about it. i always a__sumed it just depends on the person whether young or old regarding preterm labor. i realize that may not be a good answer you were hoping for but im really not worried about it at all since im healthy and the pregnancy is going well so far...good luck.
My doctor never mentioned anything to me about it and she doesn't really seem all that concerned. I just remember reading about it somewhere. I probably just worry too much : ) My sister-in-law had 2 premies and she almost lost one of them so I'm just scared that is going to happen to me. I just need to relax!
Hi, I am 37 y/o and 34 weeks with my 2nd child. My doctor has not mentioned this to me either. I have had no problems and also agree it really depends on each person and their bodies. As long as you are having no problems just relax and enjoy the 2nd half of your journey. By the way, are you having a girl or boy... Do you have a name picked out? Enjoy.. smiles, Cissy
Hi Cissy, we are having a boy. His name is going to be Owen Nicholas. I'm so excited that we're having a boy because he will be the first one on my side and there is only 1 other boy on my husband's side. He's going to be so spoiled by everyone .... or get completely tortured by all the girls : ) I haven't had any problems at all so I'm sure that everything will be fine, I just worry too much since I haven't been through this before. He moves around so much sometimes that I think he's just going to pop out! Do you know what you're having? When did you have your first one?