Questionaire For College Paper
6 Replies
I am a student at Texas A&M University . I am currently writing a paper on pregnancy, with focus on high risk groups such as teens and mothers over 35. I have several surveys that I need to have completed annonymously, and was wondering if anyone could assist me. I only need 15 completed. Your help would be much appreciated. I can send the survey via e-mail if anyone is interested in helping, please let me know. Thanks in advance for your help!
I'll do one. I am 40 and 38 weeks preggo with my son.
Im 37, 16 weeks pregnant and also happy to help. Karen
Please send me either your e-mail or fax number and I can send you a survey. My e-mail is raynarn at (sorry it won't let me fill my e-mail in as it should be.
I'm 36 and 38 weeks pregnant with my first - a boy. I'd like to help if you still need volunteers.
I would really appreciate it. Please e-mail me at raynarn at yahoo (sorry this doesn't allow for e-mail addresses). I can forward you the survey which can be completed and e-mailed back to me. They are completely confidential. Thanks again.