5 Replies
HI, all.... I have made few post before and I am 12 weeks along-and almost every night I toss and turn and also get up to use the bathroom..... On my days off I wind up staying up until like 5:30 a.m. or all night doing nothing..... When I toss and turn is because I cannot get comfortable like I'm 6 months or something...... Anybody else going through this? Any remedy suggestions? I would really LOVE to start getting good nights sleep...... :) Lorie Ann
hormones....aren't they great! Actually, I had an overactive thyroid during my pg and had to take medication....before that I felt anxious all night and could not sleep.
Wow, i didn't know that hormones affected that too...... Now that you have the medication are you sleeping well?
I'm 16 weeks along and yes i have trouble getting comfy at night. My husband gets annoyed because I toss and turn and rearrange my pillows. I just watch t.v. and maybe make a hot cup of tea. Taking a nice warm bath before bed really relaxes too. Reading.
Try those and see what happens.
Sorry to hear that, it sounds miserable. I have been sleeping fine (I'm at about 11 weeks), like a rock, but I often wake up in the middle of the night ravenously hungry, or thirsty, not to mention needing to pee. All the sleeplessness remedies I know are just general ones, like keeping a regular schedule, having a dark, quiet room (not even a glowing digital clock), chamomile tea, warm milk, maybe a little whole-grain cereal... of course you can't have a shot of rum! i also like stretching my muscles a little at bedtime, it helps me relax. Good luck. Talk to your doctor -- there must be something you can take if the basics don't work.
Thanks for replying Jodi34, intlbaby and tryingx3! I think I will try the bath at night and some of the other suggestions :) What's horrible is I remember all the sleepless nights happening further in pregnancy not sooo early- but i will try and remedy because I want to SLEEP..... Thanks sooo much.... Lorie Ann