Anybody Due Around Oct 20th

43 Replies
CHRYSTAL - March 7

Sylvie- oh my, that would have scared me as well. I go in for an ultrasound today, my doctor is going to let us listen to the heart beat. I am so excited!!! (my doctor is great, I really like him).


April - March 8

Wow, it's rea__suring to see that there are others like me.. I'm 42 and 7wks due Oct 13th.. This is my 5th child and 6th pregnancy and some of the stories I've heard about pregnancies at our age terrify me. I would love to compare notes with someone else for support and rea__surance! :-)


Karol - March 8

Hi, I am due Oct 10th. Saw the baby's heart beat on the u/s already but I am still feeling nauseous most of the day. I wake up with a back ache and it last until bed time. I've had a back ache for weeks now. But I am sleeping great!


jackie - March 9

hi,forgot to say that i'll be 40 in I said due12th.Oct.still haven't told anybody yet,not until I get my scan done 1st.April.belly is gettin bit bigger.hubbie knows alright+I don't think he realises yet.hope the month of March goes quick.stressful enough+always paying attention to every new feeling around belly and that.hope all goes well for us all.


Karol - March 9

When do you all think you will share your news with others? I am thinking after my first trimester is over.


April - March 9

I saw the OB today, they changed the date to the 21st of Oct now.. and are concerned.. they are recommending a CVS be done on the 29th of this month.. anyone ever had this done before or had it suggested? Should I do it?? Any advice appreciated..


jackie - March 10

me too i am thinking of telling others after my visit to doctors the 1st.April.That will be my 1st.trim.finished.fingers crossed I will be able to announce the good news!


KaCee - March 11

I am 7 weeks today and still have a week to go before my first official dr. appt. (so far I have only had blood tests run - no dr. visit). I have told my manager and my a__sistant at work, but no one else I work with knows. Our family and friends all know. We are too excited to keep it a secret. They all know that we had two previous MCs, so they are keeping us in their prayers. I think after I hear the heartbeat (hopefully this Friday) I'll tell eveyone at work. I want them to know why I have been so "lazy" and sick and tired all the time! Good luck to you all.


KaCee - March 11

April - what is a CVS? Why are they worried? Since my last two pregnancies ended up miscarrying, I am taking progesterone and one baby aspirin a day this time. I don't know if that is anything that could help you.


April - March 11

CVS is Chorionic Villi Sampling. Similar to an amniocentesis but they take a sample of the placenta instead of the fluid and do it early on in the pregnancy. Sounds terrribly painful but guess its for the best. They're concerned because I had renal failure last year for no apparent reason, but kidneys appear fine now. Should I do this test? Or have faith the baby will be ok?


Sylvie - March 11

April-I'm going for my CVS test on the 20th. Doc. told me its not painful at all. Like having a pap test or an internal exam. Anyway, for me, it will be good to know exactly what to expect in Oct. I'm excited and looking forward to it.


KaCee - March 12

April, If there aren't any harmful side-affects to you or the baby from the CVS, I'd say go ahead an do it. You might as well find out what you can now so you can be prepared when the baby comes. at least you know someone else (Sylvie) is going through the same thing. Good luck to both of you.


April - March 12

Whew that makes me feel LOADS better! I 'read' up on what the test entailed and it scared me a little. My Ob/Gyn doesn't seem 'big' on 'late life' pregnancies so didn't prepare me at all...I've had 7pregnancies and this is my 5th child and never had anything other than 'normal' bloodwork before.. Thanks soo much! I'll be looking to hear how yours goes Sylvie since it's the week before mine ;-) Good Luck BTW Oh, and yes I've already told most of my family..


sdyogini - March 14

Not much of an answer, but I am pregnant with my second, first is almost 15, I'm 35. All I hear is miscarraige over and over again! Unfortunately I can't deny my 7 weeks because my belly is obviously growing, people are looking and asking. Which is why I this big belly thing normal? I didn't even know until 3 months with my first, no weight gain til 5 months! I't so new to me, I'm experiencing sickness, from almost day 1, is this normal? Is 35 THAT high of a risk? Any one else experience this?


SherryMicheal - March 15

Hi Silvie... Well, I am 36, will be 37 when I deliver...EDD 9-25. It will also be my 4th baby...My girls are 14, 10, and 4 1/2 months! Yep, I said MONTHS...DD was born 10-24-05--she's 20 weeks old, and I'm 12 weeks pg, LOL. I just had my first trimester screen and nuchal translucency test--so far so good as far as that goes, but I do have subchorionic bleeding. It freaks me out, but the doctor says not to worry. I try not to, but I've never had anything like this before! It could be partly b/c it's a back-to-back pg...I really don't know. But, the little booger looks great, hb is great, and so on, so I need to remind myself of that....


gia - March 16

im 37 this is my first baby my due date is 10/20. no symptoms just missed my period.. no mornsickness



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