Anyone 42 And Pregnant

256 Replies
nancy - November 3

Kim, are you pregnant now?


ddm - November 4

OMG you sound like me 42 and approx 24 weeks and terrified with health issues for baby ultra sound on Monday !!!


43andexpectingno2 - November 4

Hey ddm - congrats!! Good luck on with the ultrasound & try to relax and enjoy your pregnancy after all you are more than half way there!! Let us know how it went!!!


Kim - November 4

I am not pregnant at the time. I was pregnant in March but mc in May. I am now 3 ttc.


Fogey - November 4

the fear factor comes in many forms but don't let it make you miserable just be cautious with everything you do . I'm a__suming your fear is not just going to leave like a breeze in the wind so for what its worth read Genesis 17:17 oh heck read all of Genesis 17 ... you're just a youngen vibrant little la__s in comparison lol


allkreatures - November 4

I am 43..and found out yesterday, I am pregnant I am very scared, yesterday by the way was my have a DR. appt on Tuesday, and my other 2 kids are 17 and 25, I would love anyone to share info with as I feel like a 1st time mom, also hubby had a vasectomy 13 yrs ago!!, so this is a HUGE surprise..I thought I was in early menopause!


Debbie - November 5

I know it is hard and scary to be pregnant at our age, but I believe on concentrating on the positive and realize what a great gift we've been given. I found that exercise keeps me feeling good and makes what I'm going through a lot easier. A positive mind and a healthy body is very important! Niki, I wish you luck, don't give up hope. Have you thought about acupuncture? I did it after trying for two years with my son and got pregnant after two session of treatments. I'm not sure if it is a coincidence, but it's worth a try.


To Niki - November 6

It is "pregnant", not "pregnenet" !


NIKI - November 6

No iam not pregnenet,i tryed 3 months,but nothing,i want to see my doc,last time i was pregnenet afte 2 months but i miscarraged, this is so important to me becasue is the first for child me and i really love to be a mum.


nancy - November 7

Kim I'm sorry for your loss and will keep you in my prayers. I hope your little one comes to you soon. Take care!


Kim - November 8

Nancy - how long did you ttc before becoming pregnant?


nancy - November 8

Hi Kim - I had my son in 2002 and hadn't really tried after that. Was very happy to have had him. Then in 2005 I wanted another baby, but told myself that it was selfish and I should just be grateful -- did some soul searching and decided it was okay to want another one and went to see my doctor in May. He gave me the go ahead and put me on clomid 50mg. That was scarey, but we decided to do the 3 cycles and then let it go if it didn't work. I was on my last cycle in September - husband and I bd every other day starting the day after my af ended (some women ovulate very early--I found that I was one of those) for 2 weeks - and today I'm pregnant. We were going to just let it go after cycle three and enjoy the gift of our son, but I know this baby was meant to come. I know it sounds odd, but I also washed baby blankets, and did other little stuff to kind of welcome the baby. I think mentally and spiritually that is what I needed to do to let the little baby come. I can tell you this, before I had my son I was pregnant and had two losses, both of which were exactly 6 months apart. My body needed that time to recover I think. Do you have any other children?


Kim - November 8

Yes, I have a 6 yr old son. He is a blessing from heaven. His birth was a nightmare which God pulled me through (father did not want - we had been married 7 yrs and wanted me to abort). After almost 6 yrs. alone raising my son, I remarried and my husband has never had children. I had always wanted a house full, but thought that it was too late and that God had already given me my only blessing. We married the first of February and I got pregnant in March but miscarried after 8 wks. We had to wait 3 mo. and we are on 3rd month of trying again. I have an appt. with fertility specialist 11/28, but praying for a positive test on 11/26. We have been praying for healthy multiples, but any addition would be a blessing. I am so glad to find a forum where the ladies are closer to my age.


Kim - November 8

Nancy - I have heard of Clomid, but what is it and what does it do?


nancy - November 8

Hi Kim - I will pray for you too - The good thing is you HAVE gotten pregnant, so you are able to! Keep me posted I am praying, praying, praying for you!!


jj - November 8

I'm 42 and think I'm pregnant. 6 days late. lots of symptoms, and a little nervous about taking a test. I have one son, 16, and wasn't thinking about one in college and one in diapers, although I'm starting to get used to the idea....and yes, one of my biggest concerns is the health of this baby. EVERYTHING is a horror story when talking about pregnancy over 40. It is really disheartening. Have you had an amnio or anything?



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