Anyone Over 35 And Pregnant
89 Replies
Thanks Maho,
I have been reading the same book "what to expect when your expecting." The book said what ever is normal for you would be normal during pregnancy. I always had the same problem right around the time of my period and now it seems to be following me into my pregnancy.
Congratulations to all you preggo's. I just wanted to intervene if I may. I rented a doppler during my pregnancy. It was absolutely amazing to check on the babies hb throughout my pregnancy. I had a loss just prior to my successful pregnancy as the babies hb just stopped beating at 14 weeks so the doppler was the such a great investment. I got mine from babybeat dot com (I think that was the site) Mine was I think $25 a month at the time and it came with the ultrasound gel..I also picked up some extra gel..but didn ot use it all. I used my doppler up until just a week b4 baby was born. So I reccommend getting one. It is a nice keepsake to have the hb if you want to record it too. BEst of luck to all of you..very happy for you all. BTW I have one child 18 months. I am 40 and I am ttc my second :) cheers.
Hi Clindholm. I have only had one scan so far at the first visit with my consultant. I had submitted paperwork stating that I wanted the Nuchal Scan and triple test but no amnio. Then, when we met, he said that at 42, I had a 1:50 chance of having a Downs baby and that an amnio was the only way of finding out for sure. He suggested that I think very carefully about taking the test and added that the risk of harm to the baby was minimal. I think that consultants are obliged through 'Best Practice' to make us aware of risks and where possible, steer us in a direction where we still have choices...i.e. to keep or not to keep. My husband and I have a disabled niece and nephew and those children have brought joys which far and away compensate for the hard times. I know we'll cope with whatever happens but maybe it might be good having plenty of time to prepare emotionally. Anyway, this has got far to serious! On the Doppler subject, after Kristin72's comments, I think I will get one but try to limit myself to checking a few times per day rather than every 5 minutes.
Hi Dogmom, Excuse me, you're right..the name of the book; "What to Expect When Your Expecting"...Whoops. Sorry. Yes, I to would have the big"C" and big "D" pms time...and now I am experiencing the same symptoms. If your worried though, just call your Dr.'s office for piece of mind. I have my first u/s on the 7th to determine if it's "viable" and how far along I am...Should I be nervous?
Hi girls- I also have that book, What to expect, it is very helpful. I have What to Expect the First Year also and that one is invaluable! Actually for me pregnancy has made me extremely regular which is nice for a change. You just never know. Hi Kristen72 thanks for the info. As soon as my paycheck goes in this week, I plan on ordering one, I will try the place you got yours, hopefully it will be a little cheaper. So sorry to hear of your loss, I'm sure you will have the little one you so desire soon! Your type of loss is exactly what I fear the most. I don't think I will have an amnio unless something comes up on the 2nd Tri scan. I really think they sometimes overplay the risk of chromosomal problems with us "older" moms. Maho- I would not worry, usually if something is wrong with the pregnancy, you would have had some signs by now. Colleen
Hi again Maho,
I know it's eaiser said than done, but try not to worry before your next doctors appointment. I could not follow my own advice though. I thought the first few days before my missed period and knowing when to take a pregnancy test was the longest wait.....but no! Those 3 weeks felt like years! Even when I was in the exam room waiting for the doctor I was a mess. I was crying on the table. The doctor saw the heartbeat and had to point it out to me cause I had no idea what I was looking at! But there it was!!!!! Truly unbelivable!!! Now I cant wait for my next appointment to see how big it has gotten.
Dogmom and clindholm, thank you SO much for your words of comfort...they truely chill me out. I will keep you ladies posted about my dr. apt on 7/7. One other question...have you ladies shared any of this news with your family or close friends? I told my sister who already has 2 kids, so I would have at least someone to confide in and I told my other sister who is the only relative living close to me but that's it. I want to keep it under wraps until I am in the clear....whenever that is:)
I was planning on waiting until 14weeks to tell everyone, but my mom found out b/c I was at her house when my doc called and my dh just couldn't keep his mouth shut, so he told his family. As for everyone else, I waited til the 14 weeks when the dreaded first trimester is over. I think the stats are something like 90% of pregnancies after the 1st Tri end in healthy births. Dogmom- wow I thought I was bad! You were crying til you saw the heartbeat? It's those d__n pregnancy hormones. I told my doc that was extremely stressed about this preg and she is having me come in every 2 weeks (instead of 4 weeks) to hear the heartbeat. I'm so glad she is humoring me and not acting like I am being ridiculous. She is the best.
Hi Ladies,
Ok, I just went for my first u/s. The doc found the little embryo and we saw the little heart beating. She said it was about 4.5 week gestational (6.5 weeks regular). Now, when you all talk about your pregnancy are you talking about gestational age or "regular" pregnancy age? If I am 6.5 weeks pregnant, that means I am 1/2 way through my first tri mester...correct?:)
hi, im 42 yo, i already have 2 mascarriages, first june 2007, 2nd feb 2008. my cycle is 35 days, today is my 40th days from my first day of my last period. i really wnt to be pregnat, do you think im preggy? i have my pregnancy test this morning but it shows negative, but i experiencing all the symptoms of early pregnancy
Maho- I think you just go by weeks from LMP- you probably ovulate late in your cycle that's you're measuring earlier. It's such a relief to see the little heartbeat, isn't it? Monday I will go for my 2nd Tri scan for the Down's and Trisomy, really hoping it goes well. I'm very nervous since we had a false alarm last time. Hi Sansu- welcome. It does sound like you may be preg, you are 5 days late already. What brand test did you use? Some are more sensative than others. Some people don't get a positive until a few weeks late, please keep is posted- so sorry to hear of your losses, that must have been terrible. Colleen
Hi I just turned 40 and just recently found out I am pregnant - my son will be 16 this year. I am very concerned about having a healthy baby and also being an older parent. It will be just like starting a brand new family Tanner will be in college and the baby will be in daycare. Any advice?
clindholm, Yes, it's nice to hear the little beat. Well, I guess my question would are you counting your pregnancy? Are you counting from your LMP(the first day) or are you counting gestational days?
clindholm, I meant to wish you luck on Monday! Let me know how it goes:) Are these tests just blood tests or are you getting the amio?
Hi Maho, I am counting from my LMP. They actually changed my due date to 3 days earlier based on the ultrasound. Do you have a long cycle and possibly ovulate late? They base everything on a 28 day cycle, ovulating on day 14. They may change the gestational age as your pregnancy progresses, these ultrasounds although fairly accurate, can sometimes be off. bvanhorn- congrats on your pregnancy! I have no advice, I had my first at 36 and my second will be at 39. Try not to let the worry of a healthy baby consume you, they have alot of testing that can make you feel better (or sometimes stress you out for no reason). Try to take it one day at a time. Maho- thanks for the good luck, I am having the Anatomy ultrasound and I believe they will do bloodwork as well (that's how it was done last time). I will let you know how it goes. I don't think I would ever do the amnio unless there was something extremely high risk and not compatible with life- I would be too afraid to risk the pregnancy. Last time they said (a different hospital than this time) that my baby probaby had Trisomy 18 and I did not get the amnio. I did alot of research on the ONE marker they found and my bloodwork was low risk. Anyway, my daughter was born just perfect. Just worried about another scare like that. Colleen
Hi! I will turn 45 in August and am due in January 2009. Our daughter will be 18 when this one is born. I was on the pill so this was quite a surprise! Hope everyone has healthy pregnancies and a healthy, happy baby!