Can T Decided Whether To Have NT U S
3 Replies
somebody help me, i'm going crazy. i keep going back and forth whether i should have this test done or not. i just turned 36 last week and i am 9 weeks today. i have a funny feeling that everything is alright with this baby...i'm not telling anyone yet that i'm pregnant until i'm sure everything is ok. i miscarried at 12 weeks a few years ago. should i do it? i just can't decide. what are the pros and cons? part of me wants to have the test simply to make sure my baby still has a heartbeat and is ok. but what if it comes out with negative results? someone ease my mind, plleeaasssee.
Only you can decide, but I am really glad I did it. It was such peace of mind to get the results back, and it was nice to get another u/s to see the baby. Even if I were to find out something it wrong and still choose to carry to term, I would rather be prepared.
I did it, with no regrets. It's an ultrasound - painless and non-invasive, and the peace of mind it gave me has even allowed me to say "no" to the riskier amnio - which you'd have to wait several more weeks to have anyway. If knowing early is important - especially if the results are going to make a difference with whether you continue your pregnancy or not - I say go for it. Keep in mind, false positives are relatively high on this, which just means you'll undergo further testing, but if everything comes back clean, it will be such a relief!
| Val - February 1 |
I had a feeling our baby was fine, but went ahead and did the NT for rea__surance. (I just turned 37.) We ended up getting 1:59 odds for Down syndrome, which was higher than the chance of miscarriage with amnio. So then we were faced with the decision about whether to do the amnio (which was a huge, stressful decision given our history of mc.) We went for it, and our results were just fine in the end. I'm glad we did it so we have some peace of mind now, but the whole thing created about a month of extreme stress. In the end, it came down to us wanting to know ahead of time if we had any major chromosomal problems. If you don't want/need to know (for preparation or peace of mind), or if you would keep the baby no matter what, I would probably skip the testing altogether. Don't do it just to make sure the baby still has a heartbeat - they can use the doppler machine or do just a regular u/s to check for that. Best of luck to you.