I am 12 weeks preg THANK GOD....I had a mc last aug at 6 weeks so this little bean is doing good...I dont know what to do or where to turn...I just had the nuchal trancluceny us and it gave me a risk of a 20 yr old to have a baby with ds.....I dont know what to do. Nobody in my family or dh has and trisomys but my hubs family are from another planet...tHEY ARE NICE people but it only takes a min to meet them to know they are from another planet.....My hub who cant understand admits they are off but he is one of them SOmetimes hes a little off as well..This sounds so mean i dont want my baby to be like t hem i am freaking.............I guess you cant test to see if your baby is weird lol..I know this sounds ungrateful i am so happy to be preg i just want a healthy baby..Idont know if there is something wrong with them or if it justs a family thats a like cause they are a family..Can a wierd mom raise normal kids no the kids become like them............I am flipping...idont know if i should have these test just so i can have some peace and hear i have a healthy baby.......................Ijust came off my progesterone and metformin so i am worried about that i am going nuts.............
any suggestions will be greatly appreciated..............
If you only have a risk of a 20 year old for ds, why do you want to test? Amnio and CVS both carry a risk of miscarriage and neither of those tests can find "wierdness".
No need for those tests TRACCY. Do you live in the U.S. or Canada? Here in Canada they would only offer those tests if there was an elevated risk seen via ultrasound or a high NT..CVS and amnio are not elective test to just take plus your doctor would advise you if he thought you needed them. Best of luck to you. I am very happy for you and I know what you mean about having weird inlaws. argh!!! Thankfully your lo will turn out much like you or your dh. Keep your wits about you girl. And again congratulations on reaching the 12 week mark that is just fantastic!!