Dont Laugh But I Am Terrifed
8 Replies
i am terrifed of labour, i am scared i will die or something will go wrong. is this normal? i went to my ob today for my first appointment and i asked him a whole bunch of questions and he said anything can go wrong during labour. is anybody else scared or what are your feelings about labour. i am due on November 9
Hi annabanana, I am due end of September and am anxious about delivery but not least not yet!! :-) Did the doctor give you any suggestions for overcoming the anxiety? Perhaps looking at preparing a birthing plan and focusing on taking some "control" of the situation will take your focus off of the fear?? What do I know? :-) I've never done this! Hang in there!
Yes, me too. I'm looking forward to having my baby in my arms but dreading the labor & delivery part. When my OB told me I would most likely have to have a c-section, I felt relieved but only for a split second, then I realized that I don't want a c-section either. I'd rather go through natural delivery as much as it makes me anxious. I just figure that if my little, teeny, tiny cousin was able to have a baby at age 16 and hundreds of women do it (and multiple times) then I can too! I've read some magazine articles that say we just have to learn to trust that our bodies will respond the way they are supposed to. I'm already comfortable with my body though and sick of wardrobe dilemmas so I think by November I'll be anxious to see baby and to get my pre-pregnancy body back.
Meant to say I'm uncomfortable with my pregnant body (as in fatigue, aches and pains and how I look too). . . .
i guess i am just scared and i have to trust in God, its so hard but i cant wait to see my baby, thanks for both your replies
annabanana- I too was very scared of labor. I'm a first time mom, wimp with pain and faint when I see my own blood. All in all, not good! That was until I attended my first birthing cla__s. They told us exactly what to expect and showed us videos of births. Amazingly, it didn't freak me out. I came out of the session thinking this is going to be hard but I think I can do it. I also paid close attention to the pain relief parts. My birth plan will definitely say drugs and epidurals are OK. It all comes down to learning what to expect and having a plan to cope with it.
Hi annabanana, GREAT NAME.. Anyway I was exactly the same way with my first child. I even had a doc who was a real Jerk but I stayed with him because I knew he was a great surgeon becuse of this my fear,,,I was terrified that I was going to literally explode while I was pushing the baby out . Now i a__sure you I am not a nutjob. I even work in a Hospital in endoscopy for 15 years. I know that this fear was irrational I just couldn't get it out of my head. needless to say I was fine I didn't even have and episiotomy. so do't worry you will be okay I promise
hi again. The other thing that i did throughout my entire pregnancy was to watch ever Baby birthing story on lifetime or on the discovery channel so that you would be able to see how it happens knowledge is power!!!
thanks very much amanda, i am going to start watching the birth stories