Echogenic Foci Spots On The Fetus Heart

1388 Replies
heidi d. - May 25

I am pregnant w/ my 2nd baby - a boy. My daughter is 14 mo. I did not have the AFP/quad test, as I did not have it w/ my daughter, have no family history, and am 30 years old. The doctor told me today that a white spot was found on my son's heart. She said that this is a variable for DS, but b/c there weren't any others, she wouldn't recommend an amnio. However, she didn't mention a f/u u/s. After reading the board it sounds like this is common. My husband and I are freaked out - but we read that for our history, the chances of the baby having DS is 0.5%. Any thoughts would be helpful.


alic - May 25

Heidi D.-I didn't have the AFP with my first either, but after hearing about the EIF on this baby's heart...I decided I wanted to do the test. My Dr. referred me to a perinatologist and a genetic counselor. My Dr. said this was routine with the spot on the baby's heart. The perinalogist just looked closer at the baby and made sure there were no other markers for Down' the bridge of the nose, fold of the neck, etc. You may want to follow-up with your doctor to see if there are any next steps you can take, so that you and your husband can have some peace of mind for the rest of your pregnancy. Our perinatologist didn't recommend an amino b/c of the risks a__sociated with that, but if you really want one, my Dr. said the spot was a reason to have one if it was really important to us. I wish you the best. Keep us posted. ali


adri2006 - May 31

do you all realize this post has been going on for almost a year?? Amazing!! I too had my ultra sound today and the dr said I should go for a level 2 ultra sound because of two things they found - a calcification on the heart and a choroid plexus cyst in the brain, which can be a sign of trisomy 18. He said both marks were very small and my AFP came back 1:21000 for DS and 1:33000 for trisomy 18 so not to worry. How could I?? We're worried sick anyway!! my last pregnancy miscarried at 10 weeks, so I'm feeling very discouraged. All the research I have done suggests that these two abnormalities are not uncommon and usually clear themselves up. The gestational age of the fetus was 18 weeks 3 days, and I'm only 18 weeks today, which is a good sign, I guess. and the baby was 9 ounces, which sounds encouraging, but who knows. I'm happy to hear that most of your babies have turned out alright. We're seeing the best US Dr in the country tomorrow, so hopefully I will have good news. My Dr said all this technology has in a way made things worse. Worried people for nothing. I hope he's right. Lots of prayers - and thanks for the support!! It's amazing. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!


HaveFaith - June 19

My wife is half way through the pregnancy now and found out in her 20th week that the baby had ECF (Calcium spots) around the heart and minutes after the U/S. The doctor discussed the situation with us and told that this has been very common these days and told us not to worry as the AFP and Quad test were prefectly normal. After reading everyone's experiences I don't think we would worry and miss out the excitement of the baby's growth. The U/S technician told that the baby's overall growth was perfectly on target. I will add all expecting mothers on my prayer list that each and everyone of you will deliver a perfectly healthy baby. God Bless.


firsttimepreg06 - June 19

I had the 29th week ultrasound on Thursday to see if the baby was developing properly. The white spot was still there and the technician told us that this can be there until after 2 years and does not go away. The baby looked fine and weighed 3 lbs and 2 ou. I am still scared though. I am trying to reach my OB to find out there was anything unusual this time or if everything looked fine other than the white spot ofcourse. I am hoping everything wil be fine. I am praying for everyone who is in a similar situation. God bless!


ashley3685 - June 24

Patty; I am 21 years old and I had the exact same thing happen to me at my 20 week ultrasound. I am 33 weeks now and still reading up on this. They sent me to a second dr and i got the same result there. I have been reading about this and there are a few more things they told me I could do. I got a quad screening which is a blood test that checks for a few thing...mine came back negative. They also measured the skin on the back of her neck which came back fine, but with babies with DS it usually measures bigger. Also I read that babies with DS sometimes have 2 vessels on the emb. cord. Maybe you could ask to have these things checked as well. It is really nice to know that other women are going through the same worries as I am but I'm sure that everything will be just fine!!


rachelgfk - June 26

Hello everyone! I had posted before and it's good to see all the answers in this forum. In my 20th week I found out that my baby has a soft marker on his heart. The doctor told me this is normal and that I shouldn't worry because my quad test was ok and there was nothing wrong with the baby. Everything else is perfectly fine. Of course, I worry. The last time I went for my level 2 u/s I was in my 33rd week. The baby is developing properly and he weighs 5 pounds and 3 ounces. The technician asked me if anybody ever mentioned the size of his head to me. Of course, not! I asked her what it meant and she said that it means that he has a big head. She even teased me saying that I am feeding him right. The specialist told me that everything is normal and I don't have to go back to him anymore. Now, I have to talk to my OB and see if there is something else that I have to worry about it. Has anybody had the same experience? By the way, I am due August 1st. Let's keep praying, ladies!


alic - June 26

Rachel, Congrats on a good sounding u/s. My last level 2 was normal as well. So I keep crossing my fingers. I'm due Sept. 18th, so I'm counting the days until I can see my little girl on something other than a screen. Keep us posted and let us know when you deliver. I think your news sounds great!


Serephina - June 29

I Had posted on here on February 15th, 2006. I just wanted everyone to know that I had a VERY healthy baby boy on June 26th, no heart problems, no Down Syndrome. It is hard NOT to worry when a doctor pints this out on an ultrasound, but please try not to worry too much and enjoy the pregnancy!!!


alic - June 30

Serephina, Congratulations to you and your family! I love when people come back and let us know what the outcome was. It gives those of us who are still waiting for our due date some hope that things will be ok. Best of luck to you and your baby boy!


rachelgfk - June 30

Serephina, congratulations! It is so good to hear all the good news! I am due August 1st and I can't wait to see my baby. I will keep you posted! Enjoy your baby! Best, Rachel


rachelgfk - June 30

Alic, I am the same way. I am due August 1st and I can't wait to see my boy. I will let you know how things are going! Best, Rachel


sarina - July 15

hi every one, I just wanted to let you know that I gave birth to beautiful and healthy baby boy on july 6 two weeks sooner than my due date , I just wanted to beg you not to be worried about anything I promise that all of you will have beautiful and healthy babies. trust your heart and God. I did the stupid amnio test which I regret now. these markers means nothing when your ultrasound shows , normal. If God give me another baby I will never ever do the screening and amnio. I regret because my baby is just smaller than what he should be, God bless you all and good luck, please forget about these stupid markers which I think is a mistake by these man made machines. believe in miracle which is inside you.


esmer - July 15

I also had my level II U/S on 7/10/06 and was told about the white spots on my baby girl's heart. The MD then told me not to worry about it since my quad test was negative. I still worry though. It's comforting to read all the stories. Let's keep the faith and pray that we all have healthy babies


rachelgfk - July 19

Hi Sarina, congratulations on your beautiful and healthy baby. I completely agree with you that we have to believe in God and it's a miracle to have a life inside of us. Everything was fine in my level 2 u/s except for the soft marker in my baby's heart. I have faith that he is healthy. Sometimes these machines pick up stuff just to make us go crazy. I am due August 1st and I'll let you know how everything went. Again, congratulations!!! Rachel


ashleybrooke - July 19

Hi everyone! Im 20 and pregnant with my first baby which is a little boy. So far i have had several ultrasounds done and all of them were fine up until a few days ago. I am now 22 weeks and they told me the seen an EchoGenic Foci and were sending me to a specialist. My blood work was all normal so they said the risk for DS is real low. I dont go to the specialist till next week and im freakin out thats all i can think about. Ill love my baby just the same if he does have DS but i found this sight and i thought i would get some input from other people who are going through or have went through the same thing.



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