Echogenic Foci Spots On The Fetus Heart

1388 Replies
Downunder - November 29

Thank you, i'm scared but feel a little better about the numbers today. you all are so sweet. hugs


Downunder - December 1

hello everyone, so the research i came up with for the femur to be a marker it has to be in the 3centile to 10percentile. and when i finally found a gride my babies femer is measuring 55mm and the average is 58mm so hopefully she is just smaller built. i cant wait to give birth! it's hard to feel confindence everything is going to be ok, i wish i was not a worrier and that i knew what the outcome was.


Kathy1 - December 5

Hi Patty, I have some similar problems and would love to chat with you: I am 23 1/2 weeks along - the Dr. present at my US stated to my obgyn that he saw an "echogenic focus" on the baby's heart and noticed the femur growth had slowed a little since the last US. The baby's growth is in the "15th percentile" which my OB said is still with in normal range but it is a soft finding along with the spot on the heart that puts the baby at risk for Downs. I am 36 years old will be 37 at time of delivery - and I am now scared to death! We (my husband and I) have scheduled a genetic counseling session for this Friday the 7th at 10:30 AM and an Amniocentesis at 1:30 PM (EST). I figured with my age and the findings this is the only way I will know for sure and what to expect. My baby just this last week or so has been so active I can feel him kicking and turning - and I feel so guilty crying about "what if he has Downs" please any advice or encouragement would be greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance - kathy1


Eb - December 5

Hi Kathy1, I think many of the people who have posted on this thread know EXACTLY how you are feeling. I am almost 21 weeks and had an abnormal triple screen placing me at a 1:260 risk for Down's. At my level II u/s, the perinatalogist noticed an echogenic foci on my baby's heart. While he seemed pretty confident that everything was ok, I freaked out. I also went through that whole range of emotions of being scared, feeling despair, and feeling awfully guilty. These are perfectly normal feelings to have!! I saw my regular OB this week and we talked more about everything and I am actually starting to feel cautiously optimistic. I have opted out of an amnio thus far, but am going to have a follow up level II in a few weeks to check on baby's progress. My OB said that if the peri didn't seem all that concerned, I shouldn't be either. I also have an OB friend in another state who said he doesn't even think the foci should even be used as a soft marker for Down's anymore what with the advances in ultrasound technology. He didn't seem concerned either. I know I will continue to fret during my pregnancy but reading all of these encouraging stories on this thread has helped me a lot. Keep us all posted on your amnio and appointments. Oh, and if it is an option for you, ask to get the FISH at your amnio appt. They can tell you about a Down's risk in only a matter of days as opposed to waiting for the week or so for the final amnio results.


Downunder - December 5

Hello Kathy1, I feel your suffering, Is the 15th percentile for just the femer or the over all size? And did they give a reason why it is called a soft finding, i thought it was only a marker if it was bellow 10percentile. I hope you dont mind me asking or think it is to personal, i'm feeling very nervous that my percentile will drop again, i keep staring at my tummy wondering if its getting bigger or not growing. understanding how you are feeling


Kathy1 - December 5

Eb, Thank you for the encouraging news - you too downunder! I will request the FISH test when I get my amnio and I will keep everyone updated. downunder not sure what they are referring to when they say 15th percentile, etc... it was one of my questions for my genetic counseling session on Friday so I will find out percentile for over all growth, just the femur, etc... We have to hang in there and know that God will not give us more than we can handle and keep up the prayers.


ipo - December 6

Kathy, have you had a triple screen test? It's a blood test administered anywhere b/n 13 and 22 weeks (don't quote me on that - I'm not sure about the weeks). If your results are negative, then doesn't that mean, you have no risk for downs?


Downunder - December 6

Hi Everyone, I just gor back from my dr appointment, so after disgussing the U/S with my midwife she made me feel a whole lot better she showed me the chart and i'm right in the middle, she said to not worry about the femur, it's not something she is concerned about, so i'm going to try really hard to not worry, even though they cannot tell me for sure everything will be ok(unless we do amnio) i'm going to have to trust the fact that they see more of these cases and know when to worry. take care


Downunder - December 6

Hello IPO- I wish i could say YES but there is still a chance, it's not 100% they say its 80 or 85% accurate


Kathy1 - December 9

Hi Guys! I went to the hospital on Friday and my husband and I went through genetic counseling which well - and then we did the Amnio - I should have the FISH test results this Tuesday or Wednesday - so please keep us in all of your prayers!! The genetic counselor said that the result of downs will be know in the fish test. I'll keep everyone updated :)


Downunder - December 12

hello Kathy1, Hang in there! Hope it all goes well and hoping you get your results fast, take care


Kathy1 - December 12

We recieved good news the FISH test results came back normal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We were so relieved and thankful - thank you for all of your prayers and support. The full amnio results will take about 2 weeks - but we can now rule out Downs. Now the Doc's will be keeping an eye on the echogenic foci, and femur growth.


lovemy3 - December 13

thats great news!!! you must be relieved! now you can relax and enjoy this pregnancy!


liddlemama - December 13

!!!!Congratulations Kathy!!!!!


Eb - December 13

Kathy, that is such wonderful news. I hope this gives you a lot of peace during the holiday season.


lp.becky - December 13

I went in for my 20-week ultrasound last night, and my doctor called back to tell me they discovered ecogenic foci on the baby's heart. I realize the risks for Down Syndrome are very low, but I can't help but worry. I didn't opt for any early fetal screening or bloodwork because I am young (24) and here is no history of any medical problems in my or my husband's family, so they can't easily rule out DS. My doctor had me call a perinatologist, and I am going in Monday morning for a high-level ultrasound. It's so hard not to be scared.



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