I'm 34 yrs old, and 17weeks pg. i just did the maturnal serum test and found out that i have a 1:13 chance of downs the same ratio as a woman who is 48. i know these results are not always correct. but still i scared as h__l. on top of it i found out yesturday the results and was told to call the dr today by 12 for the appt time with the specialist. so i call the nurse got all b*tchy with me telling me not to snap at her. I figure i have every right to snap this is MY BABY we're talking about. is there anyone else who has had the same type of ratio as me and has a health normal child without downs? i already have an austic 15 yr ds. i just need to be prepared is all. please help
Diann, a ratio of 1:13 still means that you have 92% chance to have a non-Down baby. All tests except one are error prone. If you want to know FOR SURE if your baby has Downs ask for an amniocentesis test. The fact that you are referred to specialist means that you are being looked after. I know, hormones of pregnancy, but try to understand that the doctors try to do their best. Sometimes the help stuff is less than welcoming but remember, all you are concerned about is the doctor.
Diann, I have had to very close friends that wer efaced with very high percentage for downs. One refused the amnio and instead had an ultrasound with a specialist who aid from what she could see she was having a downs child 95 % positive....she had a healthy baby girl to months later..perfect girl! the other friends tests came back with a 70% chance of downs and she was 41, had the amnio waited 7 days for the results...again a perect baby girl born.
What they don't tell you Diann is that most downs babies due not survive in the womb very often, my 2nd miscarriage was downs lasted 12 weeks (died at10 weeks) chromosone 21 abnormality. They say the ones that survive to birth is when the mothers placenta continues to nourish even though the body senses to disregard.
Try not too worry, your numbers are very low.
Hi Diann: I am 43 and find myself unexpectedly pregnant. I have talked extensively with my doctor about the various tests and he told me that the maturnal serum test has such a high rate of positive that he doesn't even particularly endorse it to his patients. As I have decided against aborting, no matter what (just a personal choice and am not judging anyone that makes a different choice) my doctor has advised against taking this test. I have also read about the high false positives this test gives. I would consider amnio if you want to know for sure. I am sure having an autistic child is difficult. My heart goes out to you. Being pregnant these days is so stressful with all the tests available. All the best to you and your family.
Hi Diann , Glad to have found your thread . I never realised how similar our situation was . I am also 17weeks pregnant and as you know my bloodwork for birthdefect screening also did not come back so favourable . I am off to see the gynae tomorrow for councilling on the amnio and if I feel comfortable with what he has to say I am going to do the amnio . These tests have cast doubt in my mind and I would rather want to know . If it is all clear then at least I will have peace of mind for the remainder of my pregnancy . It is such a personal decision and I know that you will make the choice that will be right for you . I will keep u informed how my appointment goes and I look forward to hearing from you . What in the woods says is true , take it easy ...
thanks all. i did talk to a councellor about the test, she said it was just a screen and that it is not 100%. i now have an appt with a genetic dr/councellor on thursday to talk, i will have the 3d u/s done i HATE needles so the amnio will wait or not even be done. i went into my first ob appt with not caring what the results were. and well they shock the c___p out of me. today....i still don't care. yap i've cried a lot and more then likely will for a why longer. Tylersmommy i would like to hear from you about your appt too.
Diann - I'm in the same boat as you. I'm 17 weeks pregnant and got the word from my doc on Monday that my test results came back abnormal. I get in there, the doc tells me it doesn't look good, and she tells me about the Level II ultrasound & amnio. I decide to go with the amnio, show up for it yesterday, and the other doc tells me I'm only at a 10% chance and I have a 90% chance of it coming back fine. She then tells me this is just an a__sessment of "risk" and doesn't diagnose anything...What kind of c___p test is that. I hate those. That would've been nice to hear on Monday! The ultrasound on Monday came back fine, no markers that could be sign that signal Downs (they looked at the thickness on the back of the head and they verified baby had a nose bone, both of which looked fine), so now I'm wondering if I really even needed that Amnio and the more research I do on these tests, the more I learn just how c___ppy they are and how they throw so many parents-to-be in a tailspin for no apparent reason. I'm sure you'll be fine, too. I hear that "heavier" people tend to get low readings on AFP tests, and a Downs test measures AFP and they say that low AFP means chances for Downs are higher...I think, If I'm wrong, someone correct me, but I'm heavier and not really skinny, so I'm sure that had something to do with it. Just don't stress about it. This appears to be very common...more than we ever thought until it happened to us, right!!
One more thing...I'm 31 years old.
Well today is d-day for councilling and maybe the amnio . I hardly slept at all last night , tossed and turned and had really weird dreams . Diann I really admire your att_tude towards this . I will try and adopt the same . Maybe Snorklchik is right and that_t is more common than what we think . Still it niggles me that I may also me that 1 that does not have a positive outcome .... But I will be strong and Diann chin up and I will be sure to keep you up to date ...
Hi Diann, I had my last child 18 months ago, He is a healthy boy. I am also pregnant again at 45, due in March 2007 My results were very similar, 1:42. I had the blood test too, and also the ultrasound. I would ask Dr. to do ultrasound first before amino. The ultrasound can give the Dr. more markers to look at and sometimes that itself is satisfying. I refused amnio, last time and this time, I didnt want to take a chance. I am comfortable with the ultrasound results. Just because we women who want to have children at a later time in life,Dr's make is sound so bad. But in reality it no different. maybe the statisics should change, more and more women over 35 even over 40 are having more babies than 10 years ago. Try not to worry so much and trust your heart. Things always turn out for the best. God has our fate,,, Trust him and he will take care of it......
Hey all. Well i had the genetics dr appt. it was strongly suggestedthat the amnio be done. I refused. i asked again if the maternal serum test was 100% and was told no. the risk alone was enough to say no. I told the dr that the test didn't matter. i did have an u/s done not the 3d. He is a wiggler. and very cheeky. he would wave to the tech and then turn his back on her. he did this a couple of times. have you caught one yet? the tec and dr couldn't say 100% that it's a boy but his fingers were no where near his legs when we look there. i go back in 5 weeks for another u/s to make sure everything remains normal. : )
Diann - Did the tech see any "markers" on the ultrasound that show signs of DS on the baby? For example, my doc looked at the thickness of the skin on the back of the head (which was fine) and the nasal bone (most DS babies dont have them, mine did)....Was your ultrasound good? Sounds like it was based on your decision to not pursue, good for you!
Yesterday I went to the councilling and was told in the feed back from my blood tests showed that I have a 1: 170 chance of having a downs baby . They recommended that I have an amnio . So I did . Ladies my experience was not the greatest as it was only on the fourth attempt that he was able to draw amniotic fluid . Only good thing was that I got to see my baby lots , wriggling around and stretching etc . I will be gettingthe tests back on Monday . All said and done I am relieved that that part is all over and look forward to the results so that I can enjoy the rest of my pregnancy without any more concerns . On Mondaythey will be able to tell me the s_x of the baby . Really hoping for a girl so fingers crossed !
snorklchik , i'm not really sure if the markers were looked at. it wasn't said. the tec took as many pics as she could (25) that the baby would let her. and then a dr came in and looked and took a couple more. the dr did say that very thing looked normal and she wanted me back when i was 22w. the genetic dr did say that the u/s couldn't/wouldn't show if downs was present. the u/s was good by my books. the baby has long fingers. but he also like to hide alot. i couldn't beleive the length of the legs they looked as long as the head and body of the baby. i wanted a lil girl but a boy is just as good. i'm trying to convince my dh that we need another female in the house be it a cat or another dog. : )
I am 37, preggy with #5, my forth was a blighted ovum and miscarried. With this one I've asked everything I could think of including all about DS. My doctor told me the reason women over 35 are given such a high ratio for downs babies is because our babies are compared to babies of mother in their twenties. The majority of women having babies are in the twenties, not as many in their thirties. So there are probably only half as many babies born to women over 35 or even less. Soooo the ratio is uneven, but they dont tell us that when they explain we are at increased risk of a downs baby. Lets say 40 babies were born, 35 of those babies are likely to be born to a woman in her twenties, 5 to women over 35. So if 1 baby from each group is born with downs that makes the ratio for women over 35 sky rocket. Ahhh! I hope someone can make sense out of what I'm trying to explain, it made me feel much better knowing this, I hope it helps someone else.
I just want to tell you that I understand your fear and hope the best for you. I was 19 weeks when I found out our baby did have Down syndrome throughthe amnio and like you I already had a 12 year old with a disability (liver transplant) and did not know if I could do it again. It is 19 months later and I love my baby more than anything. She has changed our lives in such possitive ways and now at 37 we are thinking of having another one. We know the risk is higher for having another child with DS but know that it is not the worst thing to happen. I also have a 15 year old boy who is "typical or without issues" and our baby has changed my kids outlook on life so much. They are kinder to others and don't judge people with any type of disability. I know it is hard for you not to know and wait and wonder but I would suggest at least doing a little research to know what you might be in for so you are prepared. There is a wonderful website that has the best forum on it and they will offer you so much support. www.downsyn.com. I understand why you would not want to have a another child with a disability and of course no one would choose it if they had a choice but just know that if you baby does indeed have DS then you will make it through and you life will be enriched in different ways then you ever thought and you can make it. I wish you all the luck in the world and hope the best for your family.
Diann: I noticed in your posting that you have a austic child. Where you conserned about having another austic child? My husband has an mildly austic son from a previous marriage. I have two healthy boys. I would love to have another child, "our child", but he is "totally freaked" with the idea that he may have another austic child. Any ideas for me? Thanks