Im Scared Should I Placenta
3 Replies
i just got back from my doctors we were 15 min looking for my babys heart beat after she saw my ultrasound she told me my placenta is in front were my stomac is and that i shouldnt feel my baby alot... just wondering if it happened to someone here.
I was also on the table for awhile and the doctor never found the heartbeat but the nurse finally did. They didn't tell me where the placenta was but when I heard it on the doppler it was in front also or at least that is what it sounded like. Did you doctor say there is a problem with a front lying placenta? Will you be able to feel movement when you are farther along in your pregnancy?
for cindy
well she just said i would feel my baby less and she didnt say if it was bad she just said not to worry, but if you did feel like me it isnt a good feeling to be a long time not hearing it especialy when the other 3 times i herd it right away it was the first time we looked for a while the doc said baby was playing hide and seek
I am now 32 weeks pregnant with my first child and was also told that I would not feel the baby. Let me tell you that if this is not feeling the baby, I pitty the women who have placentas at the back. I can see my baby move, my belly shifts from one side to the other, and my husband is also able to feel the movements, which was my biggest fear. Don't worry, as you get later in your pregnancy, you will feel the baby just fine. I started feeling him move at 3 1/2 months, and in the last 4 weeks have been amazed at the sensation of feeling my baby move.