Level II Ultra Sound Results
5 Replies
I had my ultra sound yesterday, I am 13 weeks 2 day and the baby was 73 mm, and the nt scan was 1.4 Does anyone know what that means. I have no clue and I dont know where to go. They are still waiting for the blood work, but they seem to not be to worried.
those results are good, anything under 85 mm is normal and anthing under 1.5 for the nt is also normal so you should be fine
I have to wait for the blood work to come back, so that is the only thing that I have to wait for. I hope all is well. Babys heart beat was 168 yesterday.
those measurements and hr are normal. :o)
Those sound like good numbers and now just have to be used in conjunction with your blood test to give you your odds. But those are good and normal measurements.
Got my blood work back today and they said that it was negitive and that i have a 1-280 chance, so I went from a 44 year old to a 34 year old, now I can breath alittle bit easier I have to go for the second test on 17th of july I will be 20 weeks.